CB Birthday... (in Off-topic)

5583 days old {Gaza} September 17 2006 8:29 AM EDT

I'm getting old and decrepit in gaming terms; in 3 days; i'll have been in the CB community for 4 years...

PirateKing September 17 2006 8:39 AM EDT

From one old fart(January 28th, 2002) to another:

Happy Freakin' Birthday! :D

Thraklight Resonance September 17 2006 10:13 AM EDT

Happy birthday!

QBOddBird September 17 2006 10:28 AM EDT

Happy B-day (sorta), Gaza! =)

AdminG Beee September 17 2006 10:33 AM EDT

Happy CB birthday :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 17 2006 11:53 AM EDT

wow...grats old man!

AdminShade September 17 2006 11:59 AM EDT

Happy birthday Gaza :)

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 17 2006 6:08 PM EDT

Can I interest you in a good used walker?Happy decreptatude.

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] September 17 2006 11:32 PM EDT

Congrats Gaza! Now I know who to go to for obscure CB trivia....

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] September 17 2006 11:56 PM EDT

Happy CB B-Day!

Flamey September 18 2006 5:20 AM EDT

birthday happy!

IndependenZ September 18 2006 5:50 AM EDT

Hehe, nice Gaza! Congratulations!

BootyGod September 18 2006 10:02 AM EDT

/me bows to master of the most names

Stop changing your names and let me catch up lamer!



deifeln September 18 2006 12:49 PM EDT

How can you find out your CB1 start date?

PirateKing September 18 2006 12:54 PM EDT

Google used to have a lot of cb1 pages cached. I checked my cb1 user info page and took note of my start date and id#.

This was way back in January. Dunno if any are still available to view.
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