Strategy talk: Will this work? (in General)

Kong Ming September 4 2006 11:07 AM EDT

I have been looking up the different strategies and have come up with one. Please critique the following:

1st minion: Enchanter training EC and AS (Wearing the RoS)
2nd minion: Enchanter training EC and AS
3rd minion: Enchanter training EC and GA
4th minion: Anti-mage tank training BL, STR and DEX (Wearing Trollskin armor and mage shield)

The following are the some questions that I would like to ask:
1) How much should I train the spells so that they can be effective? I was thinking of training 75% into EC for all 3 enchanters and 25% into the AS and GA respectively.

2) Will it be better if I train another spell instead of AS on the 2nd minion?

3) How should I start if I want to do this team?

4) What gears would make the above team more effective?

QBOddBird September 4 2006 11:10 AM EDT

Question: You listed number 4. as an Anti-mage tank, yet there's no AMF on your team. Are you intending to beat mages at all?

Kong Ming September 4 2006 11:13 AM EDT

I will not be training AMF, just using the anti-mage armor and arming the tank will an elb and MH.

Adminedyit [Superheros] September 4 2006 11:13 AM EDT

1st minion: Enchanter training EC and AS (Wearing the RoS)
2nd minion: Enchanter training AMF and GA (2:1 ratio)
3rd minion: Enchanter training DM and GA
4th minion: Anti-mage tank training BL, STR and DEX (Wearing Trollskin armor and mage shield)

and if your going to go for a 4 minion team i'd start with all 4

Kong Ming September 4 2006 11:16 AM EDT

But that will make it hard to compete with tanks. I was thinking of using EC to reduce the damage done by tanks. Hopefully, the armor on the tank will be able to block out enough damage and also the GA will help to finish off the mages.

QBJohnnywas September 4 2006 11:18 AM EDT

This is what I still think of as the SacredPeanut strategy. Yup, somebody did this for a while. This strat works extremely well against other tank teams, but is much much weaker against mage teams. The trollskin and mage shield will make a difference there, but decay mages will still be a problem.

I wouldn't bother with GA with this personally, except maybe to throw some damage back at those mage teams I spoke of. Protection might be a better bet, to further reduce the amount of damage your tank takes. Alternatively that could replace AS on your second minion as the RoS minion has the boosted AS.

Gear? The biggest weapon you can get your hands on, the TSA and mage shield you mention; and some corns for your enchanters.

To start with? I would run your tank as a single minion for a little while, just to help build the basic stats, perhaps with a RoE. While he can afford to be weaker against the tank teams you'll face, that's no help against mages.

It's quite a specialized strat, but anybody who knows me knows I've spent most of my CB time on specialized strats!

Miandrital September 4 2006 12:52 PM EDT

1st minion: Enchanter training AS (Wearing the RoS)
2nd minion: Enchanter training EC and Base Prot
3rd minion: Enchanter training AMF and GA (2:1 Ratio)
4th minion: Anti-mage tank training BL, STR and DEX (Wearing Trollskin armor and mage shield)

Is what I would do.

WeaponX September 4 2006 1:35 PM EDT

you can make any strat "work" will it be good? not imo. i could be wrong though

Xenko September 4 2006 8:41 PM EDT

Put base PROT on the tank. It will work as long as the opponent doesn't have DM.

Stephen Young September 4 2006 8:57 PM EDT

RoS protects against DM

Flamey September 5 2006 2:37 AM EDT

look at my team. I'd suggest doing what i did.

E: AS (RoS)
E: AMF/GA (MAX, 1/3)
E: EC/VA (MAX, 1/4)
Tank: BL, MgS, TSA. will work nicely. and base Protection or a small one here.

most probably DM will not even kill your Protection.

Xenko September 5 2006 7:01 AM EDT

DM will kill the base PROT since the MgS gives it a spell level of 0, so a base DM can take it away. But it is a nice bonus when the other team doesn't have DM.

Flamey September 5 2006 7:05 AM EDT

DM would kill it even with RoS anti- DM??

and when i said that, i forgot he was using a MgS :(

chuck1234 September 5 2006 7:20 AM EDT

RoS will only cover against DM to a quarter of its level. Many opponents out there have higher DM trained on their minions, so it will fizzle out the base Protection.
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