Is the "rare" section new or did i miss something? (in General)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] August 31 2006 6:37 PM EDT

Hope this is the proper code.
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Just noticed the "Rare" section. No one in chat said they saw it. Anyone else see it?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 31 2006 6:38 PM EDT

it would certainly be new...

I finally see August 31 2006 6:38 PM EDT

LOL nice theme dude.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 31 2006 6:38 PM EDT

Not there now, maybe it's your theme?

matteo48 August 31 2006 6:40 PM EDT

Still there on my theme, but it is at the bottom of the page under the heading tattoo

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] August 31 2006 6:40 PM EDT

Yeah, You can also see the Tattoo under it's rightful spot towards the bottom.

So, Is Camping back?

th00p August 31 2006 6:42 PM EDT

It's not the theme.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] August 31 2006 6:43 PM EDT

Yes, It isn't the theme. I have switched multiple times, still see the same thing.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 31 2006 6:56 PM EDT

I've tried a few things, but I'm still seeing tattoos at the bottom only...

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 31 2006 7:19 PM EDT

Botton for me as well.

th00p August 31 2006 7:25 PM EDT

<sarcasm>L30n 1s 4 1337 h4ckz0r!</sarcasm>

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] August 31 2006 7:26 PM EDT

Not sure if this is it or not.

I updated Verifexs' script. Went back into the store and looked. Everything was back to "normal".

But, imo, I don't think that was the case because it never did that before. I also didn't check it before i updated the script for a good 20 minutes or so. This could be a mere coincidence.

WeaponX August 31 2006 8:26 PM EDT

maybe a change is coming?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 31 2006 9:13 PM EDT

Sounds like fexy is the leet haxor...

AdminShade September 1 2006 5:27 AM EDT

I saw 2 lesser tattoos also, they were sold to the store and appear in the 'rares' section now rather than a tattoo section.

Nixon Jibfest September 1 2006 8:44 AM EDT

Maybe jon is bringing back camping. Putting rares on top to reduce someone having an advantage.

Flamey September 1 2006 8:50 AM EDT

no, not camping, haven't you seen lesser tats in the store?

i always used to buy them, then realised how ridiculous it was so only bought base tattoos. its people selling their lessers nothing more nothing less.

Maelstrom September 1 2006 9:47 AM EDT

Quick, someone sell a good rare so I can look in the store to see where it appears ;)

QBsutekh137 September 1 2006 10:27 AM EDT

Real, that would still not suffice to stop bots (a computer will still be faster even if rares are on top). Unless the rares section uses some sort of weird way of displaying the rares. Then again, that wouldn't work because then the rares would stick out for a bot because of that.

In short, I have no idea what this new section could mean... :\

Xenko September 1 2006 10:46 AM EDT

Maybe rares is just a section for when (stupid/generous) people sell rares to the store?

QBsutekh137 September 1 2006 10:52 AM EDT

Ah, true!
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