Any decent Clan looking for a decent Player? (in General)

IndependenZ August 25 2006 6:19 AM EDT

Yes, I'm looking for a clan. My vacation is almost over and that should result in more steady fighting! I've been fiddling along with singe-person-clans for ages, but now is the time to become a teamplayer =)

I'll be buying and burning as much BA as I can. My goal is to get my character competitive again. So, are you looking for someone like me? And does your clan have enough room for my character The A-Team? Then let me know. Ciao!

WeaponX August 25 2006 8:46 AM EDT

Demon Squad could use you man. we get a top 10 spot daily and we're looking to get better

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] August 25 2006 5:11 PM EDT

Well, my clan is number 4 right now. We could always use your help, but you must also know that in two weeks, i'm going back to school, so ill probably not be racking up more than 2000 Cps per day. So, hum, If your interested, Cm me :)

IndependenZ August 25 2006 6:35 PM EDT

Found one, hehe.. thanks everybody for the quick replies and all!
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