August 15 2006 4:47 PM EDT
basically, is it really necessary to heat an item to the exact things put in help?
An example that annoys me and which I forge alot.
69,19 to increase + on VB.
Now, the game is fine with 70,20, and that saves me 4 BA overall. So my question is: Does the extra percent I get from the "perfect" formula worth the extra FOUR BA per cycle?
The extra percentage will be more than noticeable when it takes 3 days for one +.
August 15 2006 5:03 PM EDT
Okay, thanks.
But what about weapon X. Will it really matter at that level?
Or will it just take a much longer time of forging X's for it to become noticeable?
The formula in the wiki is not the perfect formula. As far as I've been told many formulas work, using more/less BA and giving more or less rpm. The trick is to get some of the forgers in the know to tell you them :)
Will fly by so quick you won't care, but the percents do add up as you progress.
If you're really interested in this. There used to be an entire forum section about this topid located on stumps fan-site. (If i recall correctly)
On that site there were many different trials done in order to determine which forumula was the best. The ones in the wiki are decent but i highly doubt they're the best. ;)
( maybe try a little google search )
August 15 2006 5:29 PM EDT
I just did a tad of experimentation to figure some stuff out.
Forging the + on a VB, A normal 69,19 I converted it to just 70.
Same NW so there was no decrease to RPM gaining for additional NW gain
After Casting of the spell accuracy and forged to 69 minutes and 70 minutes.
Using 69 it gained 9.601 RPM.
Using 70 it gained 9.343 RPM.
I used TWO less BA. I think thats the 70 is better. What do you all think? I can't test the + tempering properly for awhile, but if you all want I could post that later too.
August 15 2006 5:49 PM EDT
Just forged X.
Using the normal 82, 19 formula I got a 82.728 increase.
Using the "easy" formula of 80 and 20 I got lol about 57.5. So apparently don't mess around with THAT one. So sometimes it matters alot and othertimes very little?
Don't limit yourself to just saving ba. Some formulas you can use to gain more RPM per ba.
Also, you don't have to make it end on an even ten or whatever. Try mixing it up a little bit, Little less heat, a little more. See what happens.
August 15 2006 6:16 PM EDT
Thanks. I am planning on doing that actually.
I always figured that of COURSE the formulas weren't perfect. Because none of them mentioned 10 seconds. Whats the point if it had no effect?
You're the best man for the job. Hell you forge for free so you might as well do a few experiments on all the different types of items you get. You also dont have deadlines to meet etc. :)
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