Poker Tourn? (in Off-topic)

Thrasher August 12 2006 6:01 PM EDT

Whatever happened to the poker tournament we were once planning, anybody still up for the idea?

Adminedyit [Superheros] August 13 2006 6:53 PM EDT

I'm in

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] August 13 2006 8:36 PM EDT

me too

deifeln August 13 2006 11:29 PM EDT

I'd play.

There is a problem with organizing this though. In the past, it has been difficult to get all players to register for the site we use and all get in the same room together. I've spent well over an hour waiting around for everybody to get their ducks in a row.

Flamey August 14 2006 12:27 AM EDT

previous poker thread

not much happened I'm afraid, the problem was, i think time zones and also being able to get private games.

velvetpickle August 15 2006 10:14 AM EDT

I would play if the time was right....

Here are some suggestions on setting it up.

Set it up to a "neutral" time to accomidate as many different timezones as possible. (but you are never gonna please everyone so they might just have to wait for the next one)

Have everyone preregister and pay their fees a few days, or a week before the tourney is set to begin.

Let them know what website we will be playing on, so they can register with that website ahead of time.

Set a deadline for the start of the tourney.... "If you aren't at a table at 10:00 A.M. sorry you aren't playing :P" (you could have extra "players" on hand to sit in seats of missing players and automatiaclly fold every hand until someone shows up.... but that seems like way to much work. In my opinion if you want to play, be there when you are supposed to)

monkeh August 17 2006 7:42 PM EDT

i would be up for a game on - got me an account already :P

{CB1}Lukeyman August 17 2006 9:19 PM EDT

Im in

Miandrital August 17 2006 11:36 PM EDT

Im all there

QBOddBird August 17 2006 11:43 PM EDT

I'd go in on this!

chuck1234 August 18 2006 10:18 PM EDT

Is Poker PG?

Gambling is bad for adults, certainly more so for teens and children. I doubt if reference to Poker, or to Poker gambling sites online is permissible.

Adminedyit [Superheros] August 19 2006 9:23 AM EDT

chuck its play money that we'd use, so lighten up man

BootyGod August 19 2006 4:36 PM EDT

Anyways, Jon says that it won't be an "official" part of game. But it's up to the player after that. So it doesn't matter.

QBOddBird August 19 2006 4:44 PM EDT

Poker in and of itself is just a card game, man. People decide what kind of currency to use to play, it doesn't have to be anything adult, we always used to play with Oreos when I was a kid.

kevinLeong August 19 2006 4:57 PM EDT

I'd join.
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