BA and my lost purchase (in General)

AdminG Beee July 30 2006 1:08 PM EDT

Ouch, there I am with ~$68k cash only (I'm broke atm) and still 300 BA to buy. 23 BA on my char at present and enough cash to purchase my next set of 150 so off I go and do so.

Page not found error... woopsie.

Refresh and back to home minus my $65,100 for my BA purchase and still only 23 on my character.


I know this has happened before and I know it doesn't happen often. But it_does_happen and I feel a little better now that I've typed this out. Now I'm double whammied because I needed the cash generated from the 180 or so BA I was about to use to purchase my next 160 BA before I go to sleep.

Oh well, c'est la vie - I'm off to the pub !

Adminedyit [Superheros] July 30 2006 6:24 PM EDT

Hopefully you have better luck with the bartender than the BA tender. : )

Wasp July 30 2006 6:31 PM EDT

Getting the problem fixed would be better, or even some compensation would be a light consolation.

Maelstrom July 30 2006 11:14 PM EDT

No chance of compensation. It's happened before to me, and Jon said there's no way to track BA purchases, so no way for him to know if you actually lost any.

If BA purchases were logged, then I think it would be possible to reimburse people after these kinds of errors. I'm not sure why this isn't done...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 31 2006 12:53 AM EDT

Most BA bought and most CB spent on BA are required stats.
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