Only word (in Contests)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 14 2006 4:54 AM EDT

In the English language that ends in 'mt'.

Prize is 10K. :)

QBJohnnywas July 14 2006 4:56 AM EDT


AdminG Beee July 14 2006 4:58 AM EDT

undreamt: not imagined even in a dream

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 14 2006 5:04 AM EDT

Penguins lied to me! >_<

Both of you win, but this ends here..

QBJohnnywas July 14 2006 5:06 AM EDT

Don't listen to the penguins. They are evil. Evil I tell you!

Cheers mate!

AdminG Beee July 14 2006 5:12 AM EDT

Thanks :)

bartjan July 14 2006 5:27 AM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 14 2006 5:28 AM EDT

two words.

bartjan July 14 2006 5:34 AM EDT

I fail to spot a space.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 14 2006 5:42 AM EDT

I think daydreamt is one word, but unfortunalty (for Bart) I stopped the contest after getting shown how wrong the penguin wrapper was... Getting led astray by confectionary!

But the spellchecker doesn't recognise 'daydreamt' as a word, some maybe it should be day dreamt?

bartjan July 14 2006 5:49 AM EDT

AdminG Beee July 14 2006 5:57 AM EDT

When first I gaed to sair the fremt,
Lamachree and Megrum,
It was to Auchtiedoor I skeemt
Auld grey Megrum.

Weird, that failed the spellchecker :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 14 2006 6:10 AM EDT

Wikipedia rules all! :D

This would have been solved by excluding derivatives...

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