Change to Stores! (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 10 2006 10:17 AM EDT

I doubt I'm the first to catch this.

Items are no longer automatically displayed based on your cash. All items in the store are displayed, but there is no check box next to items you can't afford. :D

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 10 2006 10:18 AM EDT

And the 'Show all items' link has changed to a 'Show all items in my price range' one instead. :)

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] July 10 2006 7:28 PM EDT

I caught this, too. Seems that it wasn't a glitch after all.

Flamey July 10 2006 10:21 PM EDT

yea too bad the link doesn't work at all. i click on it and the items i can't afford are still there, clicking does nothing, when clicking on the link.
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