Wiki Vandalism and Admin Punishment (in Public Record)

AdminNightStrike July 9 2006 2:30 PM EDT

There are numerous topics in the wiki that have been victims of vandalism. Typically this seems to occur from brand new players going in and changing a topic name to something inappropriate for that particular topic. I have two questions regarding this.

Why to brand new players do something so juvenile?
What does the administration do as punishment?

The latter question is somewhat ironic coming from me, a voice prominently against administrative action. However, I don't see much notice in Public Record showing that fines have been levied against what is clearly deliberate vandalism. Contrarily, there is an overabundance of censorship and punishment in the forums for what is, in comparison, relatively benign. This is confusing. Is it simply that administrative action of a wiki nature is simply not recorded in Public Record? (Ok, that was three questions.)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 9 2006 2:37 PM EDT

I've seen more than a few PR posts with folks gettin fined, reset, or banned from wiki use for this sort of thing.

AdminNightStrike July 9 2006 2:44 PM EDT

I do see them once in a while (ie, Neo recently changed a topic title several times in quick succession. bartjan then reset him). However, I see far more wiki vandalism attempts (which, incidently, are fixed quite rapidly) than I do PR posts about it.

bartjan July 9 2006 2:45 PM EDT

Maybe it's because you forgot to report those cases of vandalism?

Anyway, I just reset Black Cat for his edit.

AdminNightStrike July 9 2006 2:51 PM EDT

I would think that I wouldn't have to tell an admin what to do. Case in point, SN3KR just reverted a bunch of invalid changes vlidma kept making (see:

It would be silly to point out to SN3KR what he already knows. Unless I'm mistaken, but I thought he was an admin himself.

BlueWolf July 9 2006 3:19 PM EDT

oh no, black cat got reset?? he owes me money. but i guess i can shoot 300k to keep him from renaming wiki pages. ;P good nail bart.

Misfit July 9 2006 3:31 PM EDT

Is it possible to take the items and money from the people before they are reset and put them in the fund that helps people that get scammed to compensate for their losses? This could also be used to cover debts that aren't paid.

AdminG Beee July 9 2006 3:50 PM EDT

Yes Misfit, it's possible. No, it won't happen.

Of course, scamming will continue to be punished in the manner it has been since day one, however admins are not in the recovery business.
There's mechanisms in place to avoid scamming. People however choose, (and they're perfectly entitled to do so) not to use them so therefore are liable for any defaults or scamming that occurs themselves without the help of admins.

{Quitter}Gah July 10 2006 1:21 AM EDT

I actually had CMed vildma telling him to stop, to which he replied with a non-pg response
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