babbler/(CB1)db deal (in Public Record)

Unappreciated Misnomer July 4 2006 1:12 PM EDT

babbler is giving me his large named ToE lvl 1.729mil for my 2 ToE tats (lvl 491k and lvl 1.065mil) and 2.5mil

waiting on confirmation

Unappreciated Misnomer July 4 2006 1:16 PM EDT

[CB1]db (blackmage) babbler (Babbler) $2500000 -- good faith for ToE 1:15 PM EDT

babbler July 4 2006 1:51 PM EDT

confirming. I received the 2.5 million and sending the ToE.

babbler July 4 2006 1:53 PM EDT

babbler (Babbler) [CB1]db (blackmage) Bahamuts' Frozen Heart ($36363692) -- tattoo trade thanks 1:52 PM EDT

Unappreciated Misnomer July 4 2006 3:53 PM EDT

[CB1]db (blackmage) babbler (Babbler) A Tattoo of Endurance ($21502178) -- to seal the deal 3:53 PM EDT
[CB1]db (blackmage) babbler (Babbler) A Tattoo of Endurance ($9354078) -- to seal the deal 3:53 PM EDT

thread closed

thanks for the trade
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