"flops" and robbers (in Off-topic)

AdminG Beee June 30 2006 7:40 AM EDT

[sigh] You've really got to wonder at a world gone mad.
Sometimes I think it would be better to live in the US where the cops wouldn't have bothered with a chase either, but simply shot them instead...

QBJohnnywas June 30 2006 7:43 AM EDT

That's the West Country for you. They're all mad down there. Jo is from just outside of Bath and she married me......;)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] June 30 2006 8:04 AM EDT

The west is the best, get here and we'll do the rest

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 30 2006 8:26 AM EDT

Grrrrr.... Urge to scourge world rising...


BootyGod June 30 2006 3:35 PM EDT

Shot them? no. Tasered until they died. Come on G keep up with the times...

JaKobi1Kenobi [Shrimp gang] June 30 2006 5:20 PM EDT

i think they should have shot them and then tazed them untill they were burt into a crisp

InebriatedArsonist June 30 2006 7:57 PM EDT

And the nanny state strikes again!

[T]Vestax June 30 2006 8:06 PM EDT

Honestly, if your not wearing a helmet before you decide to do something where the police might pursue you, you deserve to get you cranium broke in two.

Seriously though, don't you guys have a helmet law as a backup? This way when they point out in court that they had unprotected brainless skulls, they will just concede to have broken another law.

AdminG Beee June 30 2006 8:10 PM EDT

I have an overwhelming urge to go out and steal a motorbike right now...


Flamey July 1 2006 3:44 AM EDT


monkeh July 1 2006 7:39 AM EDT

Honestly, if your not wearing a helmet before you decide to do something where the police might pursue you, you deserve to get you cranium broke in two.

>> Not being funny but do you understaqnd the whole concept of stealing bikes / cars?? People generally aren't too worried about that when they've nicked a couple of grands worth of your property by smashing the window and hotwiring it. Maybe safety last is just an English thing...
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