Bigger changes are coming. (in General)

Xiaz on Hiatus June 24 2006 7:52 AM EDT

In case you've missed it.

"Bigger changes coming next week." - Jonathan.

It's been a while since we've seen any major changes, and I'm sure everyone's eager to see the next installment of changes.

What will they be? New supporter item? More spell/skill adjustments? Will the new theme engine be up and running? Whatever they are, lets hope they don't begin with the letter 'R.'


Flamey June 24 2006 8:33 AM EDT

he promised the SS item, and doesn't really matter about the new theme engine, it wont change gameplay.

bartjan June 24 2006 8:38 AM EDT

He nerfed PL by 10%. Increasing that to 11% already is a "Bigger change" ;)

BlueWolf June 24 2006 9:14 AM EDT

Man, i hope he brings the MoD back. I loved using that thing wiht my strats on CB1. I would change one of my enchanters to a tank just to use it. :P

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] June 24 2006 9:16 AM EDT

/me wants a larger base damage for the BoNE

As it is now, the damage difference from BoNE--MH is negligible, no real reason to use it over a MH

colonel [penny pincher] June 24 2006 9:45 AM EDT

/me is still hoping to see the return of the Sling of David.

Granted I'm told it would be about worthless like the Axbow and Exbow and seekers due to PL, but merely for the value of reminiscing it would be nice.

Vicious Cat June 24 2006 9:47 AM EDT

That reminds me - can I still put a request in for something to be put on the sidebar? and if so,where.
I think a Heal button would be dead handy, especially if I were to play at work (which obviously I don't ;-) )

Flamey June 24 2006 9:47 AM EDT

it would be nice to bring something useless in the game, a triple chain mail? :P

Roenall June 24 2006 12:50 PM EDT

Wish list

1) AMF boost
2) AC/Prot reduce AMF backfire the same way it does for GA
3) DD nerf
4) DD hat
6) TOE max reduction nerf
7) TOE boost

Dark Dreky June 24 2006 2:15 PM EDT

AMF Boost? Hmm, maybe if you allow DM to dispel AMF (which I know doesn't really make any sense) then an AMF boost would be okay. Other than that... how about a NEW tattoo? I don't even have any suggestions but I'm sure you all do out there.

[YG]Wildthing June 24 2006 9:25 PM EDT

I am getting this when I try to equip a rented item. The database rejected the transaction. Most likely you double-clicked on the Assign link. If this is the case, your assignments were made correctly. And no I am not double-clicking anything

SNK3R June 24 2006 9:26 PM EDT

Check the other threads before posting, Wildthing. ;)

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] June 24 2006 10:11 PM EDT

no more DD nerf, get a DD drainer!
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