Particle Physicists and IRS employees please read... (in Off-topic)

Mem June 24 2006 2:04 AM EDT

Particle physics

*Taken from the July 2006 issue of Popular Science magazine*

Roenall June 24 2006 2:32 AM EDT

If i am not mistaken if peak potential energy in a given space is that high bye bye Super string.

Flamey June 24 2006 2:41 AM EDT

translation in english, please.

Mem June 24 2006 2:44 AM EDT

You totally missed the point of the article, Roenall...

You totally missed the point of the article, Flamey...

Flamey June 24 2006 2:49 AM EDT

im guessing the last bit.

"Lucky for you, these kinds of errors happen only in particle physics, not on your 1040A"

I'm also guessing that this american, and Roenal(i think)l isn't nor I.

Mem June 24 2006 3:06 AM EDT

Yes, the reference (1040A) is, indeed, to American taxes.
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