AdminG Beee
June 2 2006 9:48 AM EDT
Reset gomie232 and banned darkmaster232
Reset spudmaster and banned spudmaster1
Reset xion22 and banned (Pi)[guy]
June 2 2006 3:52 PM EDT
Gomie created another account, also with the number 232 in it, but this time prefixed with something not exactly PG. Banned them both.
Don't want to create a new thread and clutter up this forum anymore. So here's a few guys you might want to look into.
Looks like he's already got a banned multi called "smell"
These just look like more of his multi's
Vahilor has made purchases in the past hour so it looks like he is the most active of them all.
All purchases are from the same IP.
Then we have trades between two accounts of the same IP from the same person/persons.
Vahilor (Wizards of Dos) Speedy (Hancone) A Lesser Ice Familiar ($6009) April 27 2006 10:16 AM EDT
Speedy uses the same IP
I know it's old (Over a month to be exact but just incase someone over looked it I thought I would post it plus I am bored)
June 3 2006 2:13 AM EDT
There are a few dozen more users on the same (AOL style) IP...
*hands GB some multi-banning shotguns* Need these?
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