i have a question, about a tattoo (in General)

rolande59 May 26 2006 11:49 AM EDT

sorry, for the lame question.

how much damage will a lesser steel familiar level 3.550 do?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 26 2006 11:56 AM EDT

So familiars (lesser or normal) have a DD spell of the appropriate type trained to the level of the tattoo. You'll have to find someone with a MM about that size (or someone who actually knows something about MM's damage ratio) to find out how much damage it would do.

AdminShade May 26 2006 12:15 PM EDT

That question is quite hard yet simple to answer, the level of magic missile it casts is 3550, which has a certain damage it deals.

however, how much damage that is, I don't know, some others might but damage depends on level so it could be hard to get an exact answer.

also that damage can be lowered by a number of factors:

Antimagic Field
Enchanted Armor Class: the (+x) on armors
Phantom Link

rolande59 May 26 2006 12:38 PM EDT

so i should just stay with my tattoo that increases my DX and ST?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 26 2006 12:40 PM EDT

Yes, stay with the tat you have until you have enough to buy a normal (non-lesser) tattoo. Buying a tat that is higher than base is almost always the best choice, as it doesn't take much longer to save up for a 100k tat than it does for a 0 level.

rolande59 May 26 2006 12:45 PM EDT

how do you get a tattoo, without bidding on the auctions page? there must be a source where people get them from

Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] May 26 2006 1:05 PM EDT

you can make a post in FS/WTB to let others know you are interested in buying one. Other than that regular tattoos spawn randomly in auctions only.

Undertow May 26 2006 1:51 PM EDT

Auctions IS the source. All rares spawn directly into auctions.
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