50K for someone with a bright idea. (in Contests)

Flames Fame May 24 2006 10:55 PM EDT

Come up with a site name for me, and give me some stuff to put on it...

Directly related to CB and nothing else....

any other things that ppl want to add to the site can be added but send me an Email to joshuyadunlap@yahoo.com if you have any interesting ideas let me know...

I will make a list of all who donate ideas.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 24 2006 11:00 PM EDT

You could have a listing of people interested in insta's (up or down)

Flames Fame May 24 2006 11:15 PM EDT

So far Nerevas with a PM is the best

Syn Kitten May 24 2006 11:21 PM EDT

The cb Casino " Gambling Zone" the who, what, where, when, and why of the underbelly society that makes up CB. Those that delve into the complex world of gambling. The hard core cribbage players, the Pool hustlers, The Poker junkies, Sports bookies. Post the who's who to ask, the whats what to play, avg wins avg bets. something of that nature.

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] May 24 2006 11:21 PM EDT

the cribbage players who lose bets and then dont deliver on them you mean? :P

Jury May 25 2006 3:34 AM EDT

i know it will sound lame but at least i am trying. What about a page where u have a selection of different minions and u can equip the different items in the game to see that they look like so u can have some fun creating your own minions to see what they look like. hehe

3D May 25 2006 11:11 PM EDT

Make a tournament website. It'll have like certain tournaments that people can sign up for and prizes and the website can be like www.cb2tournaments.com.
It's better than a post because its way more organized and stuff.

kevinLeong May 26 2006 1:14 AM EDT

I think a Beckett's guide to CB would be pretty neat. That way we can all see below what price we should try to pay for items. That would be so helpful to everyone. Seriously. Then monthly you can display whether average value of items went up or down, and give an average values for a range of +'s (IE. The values of AG's from [+7] - [+11] (since those are the average plus-to-hits for a set of AGs).

3D May 26 2006 1:17 AM EDT

kevinLeong's idea is a great one i think. Either that or someone should add it to Wiki. But either way, good idea.

Flames Fame May 26 2006 3:13 AM EDT

Well i did choose the website MugOfCarnage.com everyone who responded before this will recieve 50K when i can pay so i will write down names and pay you off one by one. everyone's idea's will be used but on different pages of the site.

Thanks for everyone who played.

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