Help! Join A Clan! (in General)

Maelstrom May 23 2006 11:33 PM EDT

I'm tired of having just 13 people on my fightlist that I can beat. Come on everyone, join a clan, any clan - I need more people to farm! ;)

But seriously, why aren't more people in clans? You benefit from extra rewards. Sure, your score and win rates are lower, but those don't matter.

Flamey May 24 2006 1:15 AM EDT

it gets to much at 1 point, for people who don't have time( like me) :(.

right now ive got about 800 score and my net score is around -600, its kinda hard for a person who can only go on once, to get past that without losing money to buy BA, i just gotta see what happens, might have to be clanless until i get the 'net.

maybe thats your answer, 13 people is a lot!

[T]Vestax May 24 2006 2:03 AM EDT

I'm justing waiting for all you NCBs to stop fooling around down there. Come on now, when are you going to start giving better rewards there Meal? :)

AdminG Beee May 24 2006 4:25 AM EDT

Obviously you'll get more points by being selective but you really don't have to change your fightlist if you don't want to. As long as you win you get clan points whether your opponent is in a clan or not...


A character can earn clan points for their clans by winning fights. One point for defeating someone not in a clan, two points for beating someone in an opposing clan, and three points for beating someone in a clan earning a bonus. No points are gained for beating someone in their own clan.

blackshadowshade May 24 2006 5:23 AM EDT

I chose to form my own clan a couple of days ago, and ever since, I've had at least 4% and normally 8% bonus. Sure, I've put in 2000+ points, but that's hardly relevant, is it?



miteke [Superheros] May 24 2006 10:41 AM EDT

A clan is really cheap for what it gives you. If you typically fight about 700 battles a day, form your own clan and go to it! If it folds because you are not able to keep up, so what! You will have gained far more in rewards than it cost you if you can manage to keep it alive for a few days. I'm too lazy to do the math but it can't take too long to make up for the cost considering the amount of the rewards.

So I'm with Maelstrom. Get in a clan so I can fight chars with higher PRs and so the bullies that beat on me have someone else to smack around!
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