Anyone play Pimpslord? (in Off-topic)

Abit May 15 2006 1:44 AM EDT

just curious if anyone around has tried it. I am giving it a chance the last few days of this round. It seems VERY USD orientated and kinda lame. It does have a strong economic aspct to it.

Just curious???

WeaponX May 15 2006 8:16 AM EDT

"It seems VERY USD orientated and kinda lame" seems pretty familliar. where have i seen a game like that... oh wait..

Abit May 17 2006 12:18 AM EDT

It's been fun, it's not such a chore to use your turns. You get wiped out regularly and that is kinda lame, but there is a chance that you can run a cartel, that might actually go somewhere.

10 day cycles...
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