For those of you who like contraversy... (in General)

Shamu Kitten May 6 2006 3:16 PM EDT

Camping (me hears cheers and boos already...)

While i wasn't opposed to camping before, I do think things are better this way, with the auctioneer. It makes the best cash sink since Freed... No more are items selling for over 10m at base, making them obtainable.

Your thoughts:

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] May 6 2006 3:19 PM EDT

I don't think items were ever sold at 10 mil base.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 6 2006 6:10 PM EDT

ELB...maybe BTh for a day.

WeaponX May 6 2006 7:45 PM EDT now everybody has rares *gasp* i guess they're no longer rare. everybody in this game misses a key point to camping it was a market stabilizer meaning you had to actually save up to buy a rare way.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] May 6 2006 8:00 PM EDT

Wasn't ELB mostly sold at 4 mil base?

Roughneck May 6 2006 8:11 PM EDT

Camping was a fun part of the game.When you got tired of forging and fighting,camping was a super-charged adrenaline rush compared to pushing down enter 160 times.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 6 2006 11:16 PM EDT

This is CB1 a ways back...the demand for the rail gun type elb was outrageous.

Shark May 7 2006 5:31 AM EDT

this game is not a game anymore unless you own it and there is only one of those who qualify for that prestidigous title

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] May 7 2006 7:52 PM EDT

/me recalls base ELBs going for 6mill for quite a while, but no higher. (not counting the occasional blip)

Undertow May 8 2006 1:30 AM EDT

I can remember when I first started base ELB's going for as much as 12m.

A Bathing Ape May 8 2006 1:46 AM EDT

" this game is not a game anymore unless you own it and there is only one of those who qualify for that prestidigous title "

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