A new user popped into carnage today b/c he couldn't get an answer in New Users (imagine that)...
but anyway, he was asking if a mage shield will protect your own minions from Fireball backlash dmg (when your FB hits your own minons in meele rounds)
I didn't see why it wouldn't, but as AMF does not protect your own minions from your own spells, I wasn't positive. Does anyone have an actual answer to this question, or would a FB team do some testing to find out for sure?
May 4 2006 1:26 PM EDT
Equip the MgS on the Fireball minion and you've "solved" your back lash problem ;)
May 4 2006 1:26 PM EDT
I actually asked it in new players out of curiosity since it didn't state this in the wiki. The room new players told me that it doesn't protect against your own backlash.
Syn Kitten
May 4 2006 1:27 PM EDT
/me goes and puts a S in front of every HE in the above post.
Really wasp, that makes almost no sense at all...
May 4 2006 1:39 PM EDT
Was it that bad? If minion 2 has a mage shield equiped, and minion 1 has fireball. Will minion 2's mage shield protect minion 2 (to a certain extent) from minion 1's fireball backlash?
oops sorry prettysyn....
She popped in and asked....
Wasp: I would say absolutely, unless Jon has muxed the way fb backlash is done.
Yes it does, along with TSA, AC, ToE and protection.
May 4 2006 2:25 PM EDT
AMF is a different case than all other types of protection, as AMF is cast *on the other team*.
If you have a MgS you won't have a fireball anyway :P
no MGS on say a tank with a FB mage in the backfield
Oh if your looking at melee rounds..thought we were talking about AMF
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