Paypal question (in Off-topic)

Undertow May 3 2006 12:47 PM EDT

I have a paypal account with a single prepay CC hooked up to it. No bank account, and no PP CC.

If I sell someone CB2 for USD sent to my pay pal account, what happens? Does it re-charge my prepay card magically? Or is it held in like a seperate Pay Pal only envelope that I can use to make purchases online?

AdminShade May 3 2006 12:52 PM EDT

it's held on your pay pal account rather than put on your pre paid Credit Card.

Darkwalker [Jago] May 3 2006 1:16 PM EDT

another paypal question... if i have USD in my paypal account and I wanna withdraw it (use it), how can I do that if I am not in the US? I am near Singapore though.

Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] May 3 2006 1:29 PM EDT

first you have to link a bank account to it. You will probably get whatever balance you have in PayPal in USD which will convert into your currency. Dont think it matters where you live

Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] May 3 2006 1:30 PM EDT

unless you mean "use it" as in buying something else online. Then you dont have to have a bank account or a place to withdraw it to.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] May 3 2006 8:11 PM EDT

Or, you can sign up for the "Premium Member" account (at no additional fee) and then PayPal will take like 2.7% from money sent to you, instead of charging you a member's fee. This enables you to accept credit cards via paypal.
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