Happy Birthday to me (in Off-topic)

Blarg April 30 2006 10:49 AM EDT

Yes indeed, Blarg is turning 17 today. 10k to the first 10 to congratulate me, as through the 3 b-days I've had on CB I havn't actually done anything traditional :P. I'll be back sometime this evening to hand it all out.

BMWheatley April 30 2006 10:50 AM EDT

Congrats Blarg! I turn 17 in a few months. : )

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] April 30 2006 10:53 AM EDT

Happy Birthday!

(Blarg's a GIRL?!?!? O.O )

Timberwolf April 30 2006 10:53 AM EDT

Happy Birthday Blarg!
Keep the cash or give it to a random newb.

Blarg April 30 2006 10:56 AM EDT

Haha bast, no! Look at the caption for the picture too :P. Ah, the CB memories, when I first came, being a lowly 14 year old, all the things I've been through since then, and all the things I have waiting in the future for me... can't wait!

QBJohnnywas April 30 2006 10:58 AM EDT

Happy birthday! And I'm with Timberwolf on this! Save your cash for a new Morg or something!

{CB1}Lukeyman April 30 2006 11:01 AM EDT

Happy B-Day!!

Dudley Dotson April 30 2006 11:02 AM EDT

happy b-day!

{CB1}Lukeyman April 30 2006 11:02 AM EDT

"My Love"


Karn April 30 2006 11:08 AM EDT

Happy Birthday!

[T]Vestax April 30 2006 11:12 AM EDT

Happy CB B-day.
If your girl is Sarah with no 'h', does that make you Zack without a 'c'?

AdminG Beee April 30 2006 11:14 AM EDT

Happy Birthday

{CB1}Lukeyman April 30 2006 11:25 AM EDT

It makes him Matt without the "t"

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 30 2006 11:33 AM EDT

happy b-day blarg

Darkwalker [Jago] April 30 2006 1:25 PM EDT

many happy returns!

Have a happy birthday!

AdminShade April 30 2006 1:55 PM EDT

Happy birthday blargah !!! :)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] April 30 2006 2:02 PM EDT

I hope you have a happy birthday!

RedWolf April 30 2006 4:30 PM EDT

happy birthday blargeh :-)

QBPixel Sage April 30 2006 4:33 PM EDT

Happy Birthday! 17, eh? One more year to go =D

Blarg April 30 2006 5:33 PM EDT

10k sent to the first 10 who didn't say no.

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 30 2006 5:42 PM EDT

yay wheres the cake

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] April 30 2006 7:50 PM EDT

*dumps a chocolate cake on DD34*

Syn Kitten April 30 2006 9:34 PM EDT

Happy birthday!

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] April 30 2006 9:34 PM EDT

Happy Birthday!!!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] April 30 2006 9:39 PM EDT

Happy B-Day! now stop with the hints ;)
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