Official CB Cribbage Tournament #1 (in Contests)

Mem April 28 2006 11:28 PM EDT

The long awaited Cribbage Tournament is finally here. The cost is 50k to enter. Please send the entry fee to my character Cribbage Tourney. There will be prizes awarded to first and second place, 75% and 25% of the pot respectively. There is no limit to how many can play, so come and join the fun!

The first round of matches will be held on Sunday at a time that is convenient to both you and your opponent, so hurry and sign up!

Syn Kitten April 28 2006 11:31 PM EDT

Money sent, i just learned how to play today ( thanks wildthing) and I might as well lose my money for a good cause :)

Mem April 28 2006 11:32 PM EDT

I added an extra 40,814 just to sweeten the pot. :)

Mem April 28 2006 11:36 PM EDT

I also forgot to add that each round will consist of a 3 game match (best of 5 games) and it will be played on Yahoo.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] April 28 2006 11:44 PM EDT

61 pt or 121 point

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] April 28 2006 11:50 PM EDT

I'm in

Mem April 28 2006 11:55 PM EDT

121. Sorry I didn't specify.

Flames Fame April 29 2006 1:13 AM EDT

I'm in i'll send 100K.... extra for the pot :)

Mem April 29 2006 2:20 AM EDT

The pot is up to 300k now, and only four people have joined!

{cb1}Linguala April 29 2006 2:30 AM EDT

sending money right after post.

{cb1}dyno April 29 2006 2:42 AM EDT

{cb1}dyno (Oduten) Mem Dotson (Cribbage Tourney) $50000 -- im in :) 2:41 AM EDT

Let's do this! :)

[me]Davis April 29 2006 7:54 AM EDT

i be in fools

th00p April 29 2006 12:05 PM EDT

I'm in. Mem I will beat you eventually!

Mem April 29 2006 12:41 PM EDT

Only 8? The pot is at 500k! Come and join us tomorrow!

rufen April 29 2006 12:57 PM EDT

I'm in.

Adminedyit [Superheros] April 29 2006 8:07 PM EDT

{cb2}edyit (The Vampyre Lord) Mem Dotson (Cribbage Tourney) $50000

/me is counting on begginers luck :)

Mem April 30 2006 6:29 PM EDT

Due to a severe hangover the first round of the tourney will be delayed until Monday. This means you still have a chance to join if you would like!

deifeln May 1 2006 12:13 AM EDT

I'm sent.

deifeln May 1 2006 12:16 AM EDT

Also, will it be best of five matches?

Mem May 1 2006 3:16 AM EDT

Round 1

Borderliner vs. forfeit

{cb1}dyno vs. rufen

(cb1)Jad vs. PrettySyn

[cb1]Linguala vs. Mem_Dotson

{cb2}edyit vs. KM_loves_Unica

[davis]Al CaPwn vs. deifeln

It is your responsibility to determine a time at which you and your partner will play. The winner of the 3 match game (best of 5) is expected to post the scores to each of the matches in this thread by 12 am Tuesday server time. If you do not do so you will forfeit. Seeding was done in alphabetical order, as it will in all subsequent rounds. First prize will be 487,500 CB2. Second prize will be 162,500 CB2. I will pay all transfer fees so that we don't have to cut into the winners' prizes.

Recap of the Rules

Use Yahoo

121 peg matches

3 match game (best of 5)

Winner posts scores in this thread by 12 am Tuesday server time

No double skunks

That should clear everything up. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. May the best CBer win!

Mem May 1 2006 5:36 AM EDT

[cb1]Linguala vs. Mem_Dotson

Mem_Dotson 126-105

Mem_Dotson 123-101

[cb1]Linguala 113-124

Mem_Dotson 125-106

Mem_Dotson wins 3-1.

My doggone name isn't in the spellchecker. I'm fuming.

Mem May 1 2006 5:27 PM EDT

Only another six and a half hours to get those scores in! C'mon people! I know you didn't put up this money just because you didn't want it!

th00p May 1 2006 5:31 PM EDT

th00p vs. edyit

1) 121-103
2) 122-119
3) 115-122
4) 121-101

th00p (me) wins!

deifeln May 1 2006 5:53 PM EDT

deifeln vs. davis


davis wins

th00p May 1 2006 5:55 PM EDT

"Winner posts scores in this thread by 12 am Tuesday server time"

deifeln May 1 2006 5:57 PM EDT

th00p...who the heck cares if I post or davis does?

th00p May 1 2006 6:00 PM EDT


deifeln May 1 2006 6:01 PM EDT

Then let Mem tell jerk.

Mem May 1 2006 6:20 PM EDT

It doesn't really matter who posts. I just said that the winner should post so we don't get two of the same post. Let's not argue about it.

Mem May 1 2006 11:54 PM EDT

Ok. Since there would be four people that would be forfeiting due to not playing their game I will extend the time limit until 12 pm Tuesday server time. By 2 pm the next round will be seeded and you will have 24 hours to complete your game. If you do not do so you will be disqualified this time. No exceptions.

{cb1}dyno May 2 2006 1:57 AM EDT

I'd just like to say that this seems to be difficult as my partner likes night, I like morning/afternoon. I was on until 5 pm server time, i got a chatmail from him at 5:30 server time, now I get back on and he's not here :( Perhaps tomorrow morning.

rufen May 2 2006 6:35 AM EDT

I'm sorry I can't be up until 2 in the morning...
Now would be my only time to play before noon, but I only would have 10 minutes before school.

Mem May 2 2006 8:32 AM EDT

The deadline is extended to 6 pm then. Second round will be posted at 8 pm. 24 hours from that you are expected to have your second round match played. As Larry the Cable Guy would say (I can't believe I'm going to say this), "Get 'er done."

{cb1}dyno May 2 2006 2:34 PM EDT

I will be here until around 3:30 server time, will be back around 5-5:30ish server time for another hour. Looks like he's only available at night for a few hours, which does me no good :-/

Mem May 2 2006 5:41 PM EDT

Since Jad stuck around for most of the day waiting for PrettySyn and we are this close to the time he has to work and the time that I've, for a third time, extended the first round deadline to I offered to play him for a chance to move on to the next round. PrettySyn has been disqualified.

These are the results of the match:

Mem Dotson vs. (cb1)Jad

Mem Dotson 122-83 Skunk!
Mem Dotson 122-117

Mem Dotson wins 3-0

Thanks for playing, Jad.

Hopefully, next tourney it won't be so hard to find five minutes with your opponent.

Syn Kitten May 2 2006 5:48 PM EDT

Im sorry if my schedule conflicts with his. Im awake at 5:30 for work, and get home around 5:30. yesterday i was on until midnight waiting. But ill take the disqualification. GL everyone else whos playing

{cb1}dyno May 2 2006 6:44 PM EDT

122-95 rufen
124-90 dyno
122-100 rufen
122-112 dyno

good games rufen, hope to see you in the next tourney!

rufen May 2 2006 6:49 PM EDT

That second game is a skunk so dyno won.

Mem May 2 2006 9:11 PM EDT

Round 2

Borderliner vs. KM_loves_Unica

{cb1}dyno vs. forfeit

[davis]Al CaPwn vs. Mem_Dotson

It is your responsibility to determine a time at which you and your partner will play. The winner of the 3 match game (best of 5) is expected to post the scores to each of the matches in this thread 24 hours after this is posted. If you do not do so you will forfeit. No exceptions this time. First prize will be 487,500 CB2. Second prize will be 162,500 CB2. I will pay all transfer fees so that we don't have to cut into the winners' prizes.

Recap of the Rules

Use Yahoo

121 peg matches

3 match game (best of 5)

Winner posts scores in this thread by the end of 24 hours after matchups posted

No double skunks

That should clear everything up. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. May the best CBer win!

Mem May 2 2006 9:16 PM EDT

P.S. I couldn't seed in alphabetical order this time because it's not fair for Border to have two byes in a row. I had someone randomly pick for me.

Mem May 3 2006 5:25 AM EDT

Seeding Update: Since we will have an odd number of players in the third round again the player that wins in the least amount of matches will get the bye. If there is a tie then we will add the score of those players' winning scores. If it is still tied after that then one round of rock, paper, scissors shall suffice.

Mem May 3 2006 7:26 PM EDT

[davis]Al CaPwn vs. Mem_Dotson

Mem_Dotson 121-116
Mem_Dotson 123-108
Mem_Dotson 121-103

Mem_Dotson wins 3-0!

Get your games played Border and th00p!!! I don't want to disqualify you both! Don't think I won't though. It's clearly stated in the rules...

I still can't believe my name is misspelled. This is garbage. And it only says the first three letters are wrong, with or without the underscore. Put my name in the spellchecker, please!

Mem May 3 2006 11:32 PM EDT

Since both Border and th00p failed to obey the posted rules they have been disqualified.

Championship Round

{cb1}dyno vs. Mem_Dotson

Good luck, dyno.

Mem May 4 2006 8:19 PM EDT

Mem Dotson 126-120
Mem Dotson 124-86 Skunk!

Mem Dotson wins 3-0.

Since you all failed to beat me I win the 1st prize. You're in luck though. Those people that I beat to get here-- Davis, Jad, PrettySyn, and Ling-- will all get a chance to win back some money. Let me know what your schedules are so I can schedule your matches for you, since you all are incapable of doing so. Every one of you will win something so long as you play.

Dyno is awarded 2nd prize and the arrows that Border was so kind to donate. Congrats, Dyno!

Let me just say this about this tourney: It sucked. You all made it incredibly frustrating to run. I promise that it'll be better next time.

{cb1}Linguala May 6 2006 4:32 PM EDT

122-95 dblass
121-95 dblass
120-127 ling
112-121 ling
96-128 ling

hard very lucky, hehe
don't tell me i have to go again now...

Dudley Dotson May 6 2006 4:49 PM EDT

We should play hearts next :)

Mem May 6 2006 5:20 PM EDT

Ling vs. Pretty for the top spot and Davis vs. Jad for third. Don't worry, you'll all win money though. Post here!
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