guess this! (in Contests)

char April 28 2006 8:30 AM EDT

So you all know, my contest have really lame prizes, but today i'm feeling good, so
1st prize: 10k and a base item.
2d prize: A base item
3rd prize: 1k and a kiss

so, all you have to do is guess this 2. obviously there are 2 first prizes, 2 second and 2 third prizes

first: whats a orange triangle in the top of a building?

second: whats a black and blue spot on a wall?

good luck!

char April 28 2006 8:36 AM EDT

forgot to say that this is obviously based on best entries for me, but they both have a specific solution. I hope one of you guess it!

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] April 28 2006 12:36 PM EDT

"In the" or "on" top of a building?

What color is the wall?

Maelstrom April 28 2006 12:52 PM EDT

first: whats a orange triangle in the top of a building?

> Biohazard warning?

second: whats a black and blue spot on a wall?

> Mold?

char April 28 2006 1:03 PM EDT

on top of a building, Bast

VDkeeper [Severswoed Noobies] April 28 2006 3:33 PM EDT

A pilon.


maulaxe April 28 2006 4:29 PM EDT

1) the building is for sale

2) a wall-bruise, apply duct-tape. it fixes anything.
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