BMVG: Morgul Hammer (in General)
Morgul-Hammer 43 150 71.3%
Bring on the damage. This may be the most highly-priced item still at base, so hard are they to spawn, so let's all vote on it, because I'm sure many of us still don't have ours! ^.~
April 22 2006 1:16 PM EDT
51 150 66% Remaining
Morgul-Hammer 61 150 59.3%
Morgul-Hammer 60 150 60.0%
Ouch. These votes are expiring! Get your vote in quickly and make theirs count too!
QBPixel Sage
April 24 2006 4:22 AM EDT
Morgul-Hammer 62 150 58.7%
Morgul-Hammer 83 150 44.7%
Morgul-Hammer 85 150 43.3%
even though i dont want more MH's out there, lol =P
April 26 2006 4:59 AM EDT
I would like to help with this but the damm BM vote bug has bite me again. =(
Now where did I put that can of Raid?
April 26 2006 5:16 AM EDT
i voted, maybe DBs or a corn next
Morgul-Hammer 95 150 36.7%
Anything for my favorite item in the game :-)
Morgul-Hammer 111 150 26.0%
We're doing great! What's up next? Corn? EB?
My vote's still on a Helm of Ecthelion.
... Why isn't HoE in the spellcheck? Maybe admins should be able to add words.
April 28 2006 11:12 AM EDT
It seems like everyone is looking to get a HoE - lets try for that once the Morg spawns...
Morgul-Hammer 119 150 20.7%
30 more votes!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!
April 29 2006 11:10 AM EDT
wish more people would follow this, the morg votes are going to expire. i agree a HoE next, ill be winning it! i've got 950k atm
You could always ask those ELB voters what they think they're accomplishing. Surely they, of all the random votes shown, at least know how the Black Market is supposed to work. :P
April 29 2006 7:31 PM EDT
Need 33 votes over the next 3 days to spawn this. After that the expiring votes will increase enough to make it exceedingly difficult
I'll add my vote for $5k.
Morgul-Hammer 133 150 11.3%
April 30 2006 10:17 AM EDT
Morgul Hammer 138 150 8.0%
12 votes to go!
April 30 2006 9:05 PM EDT
Morgul-Hammer 139 150 7.3%
Only 11 votes to go! Everyone jump on this right after Cache flush and we can spawn this sucker!
May 1 2006 8:21 AM EDT
Unable to vote for the second week in a row.
May 1 2006 10:16 AM EDT
A first for me. I made the final vote on an item. In this case it was the 150th vote on a Morgul Hammer.
and next on the list is?
could we get a title change from a sub?
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