Strange: HP: 23,001/20 (in General)

stabilo [Lonesome fighter] April 2 2006 4:42 AM EDT

On my character 'instabilo' I get HP: 23,001/20 displayed on my 'Your Minions' page .. but it doesn't show up when you inspect him, so I made a screenshot.

I don't know why this is, but it probably has sth. to do with that FF ? In fights I definitely only have 20HP and not 23k HP.

Please explain me what's going on here, I just don't get it ;-)

stabilo [Lonesome fighter] April 2 2006 4:47 AM EDT

.. now it's gone .. 20/20 HP .. without the screenshot i wouldn't believe myself that it was there ;-)

probably just a small one-time glitch ..

Xiaz on Hiatus April 2 2006 4:58 AM EDT

dude, train up HP, heal, untrain HP.

stabilo [Lonesome fighter] April 2 2006 5:05 AM EDT

hm .. i didn't think of that .. though i untrained the hp .. i'm not sure, but at least one week ago. maybe it was just still on there, but there were people fighting me ..

AdminShade April 2 2006 7:27 AM EDT

it a 'didn't train' glitch. which will be gone either when training or fighting.

stabilo [Lonesome fighter] April 2 2006 7:36 AM EDT

(i just wonder if i had 20k HP in my fights over the last week, because it was that long there. I definitely doesn't fix just when s.b. else fights you, i'll remember this when i create a farm sometime ;-)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 2 2006 1:42 PM EDT

I used to do this for farms, problem is, even though it says you have all that HP, it is only live for the next fight you fight, not people attacking.
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