A few beta testers wanted (in Off-topic)

Max March 13 2006 6:22 AM EST

Hi all,

I've been really busy traveling lately up and down California. I have a new project that if you wanted to help with I would appreciate it. Take little or no effort really. I wont post the link here because that's just plain rude. So, if you are over 18 (no it's not a porn or gambling site, lol) Then send me a chatmail and I'll let you know. On the other hand, you could always *try* to hit me up on AIM (maxmmize) or yahoo (ericmartinmd@yahoo.com)

Thanks again, and I look forward to coming back when I can play.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 13 2006 7:13 AM EST

:'( I hate stupid age limits

th00p March 13 2006 4:59 PM EST

Ah, age limits. Is there a specific reason we have to be 18? Or are you just discriminating against us young folks (haha its because tyhe old people all want their youth back)

th00p March 13 2006 5:01 PM EST

Interesting... the spellchecker caught me spelling "haha" wrong, yet it didn't alert me to "tyhe". Sounds odd to me. That should be "the", by the way.
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