This is not funny (in General)

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] March 10 2006 10:07 AM EST

Didn't I say it's not polite to fight more than one battle at a time? You'll have to wait about 10 minutes now for fight to be reenabled.
(Multiple suspensions will result in longer penalties.)


QBRanger March 10 2006 10:25 AM EST

I personally think it is hilarious.

Remember you do regenerate BA while that fight suspension is happening, unlike what happens when you fail a botcheck.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] March 10 2006 1:02 PM EST

lol, i used to get those alot

Tip: Dont bask your enter key until the previous battle is over :)

SuperSlick March 14 2006 11:23 AM EST

Mine has lasted about 15 minutes now.

SuperSlick March 14 2006 11:33 AM EST

Didn't I say it's not polite to fight more than one battle at a time? You'll have to wait about 30 minutes now for fight to be reenabled.

(Multiple suspensions will result in longer penalties.)

During the last 30 minutes of the Exp block. Why does this keep happening to me? It happened three times in 30 minutes.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] March 14 2006 11:37 AM EST

you didn't wait for the whole time whether it was one second or 5 minutes too soon. Give yourself an extra 5 minute margin on top of the time to make sure you don't cause another suspension.

SuperSlick March 14 2006 12:04 PM EST

It's never that, because I'll click fight at the 9 minute mark on a 10 minute suspension, and it won't let me, but I wait one minute and it lets me fight. I just keep getting these suspensions one after another and it gets more and more annoying.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 14 2006 5:02 PM EST

Fight slower.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] March 15 2006 9:45 AM EST

yet again Didn't I say it's not polite to fight more than one battle at a time? You'll have to wait about 10 minutes now for fight to be reenabled.
(Multiple suspensions will result in longer penalties.)


QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 15 2006 9:47 AM EST

Wait until your first battle is finished before proceeding to another battle. Repeat.
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