Problem with trying to unretire a character (in General)

SuperSlick March 8 2006 10:07 AM EST

I have two characters retired, I want to unretire one of them, but whenever I click unretire it tries to unretire both and since I am not a supporter it won't let me. I just want to unretire one of the characters, Ferdinand, but the system isn't letting me choose. Can anyone help me out, or am I just screwed not to be able to use a character with a NCB until July 1st?

QBJohnnywas March 8 2006 10:08 AM EST

Unretire them both then re-retire the one you don't want. ;)

Maelstrom March 8 2006 10:12 AM EST

He can't unretire them both, since non-supporters can only have two active characters. Sounds like your only choice is to become a supporter! ;)

QBJohnnywas March 8 2006 10:16 AM EST

I'm off work sick, not reading things properly! There may be that option of the admin help....

AdminShade March 8 2006 11:29 AM EST

fixed :)


SuperSlick March 8 2006 12:10 PM EST

Thanks so much.
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