creating wiki page, help please (in General)

Flamey March 3 2006 1:39 AM EST

this was my second attempt to make a ST/DX Focused Tank Armor Page. the first time i made it turned into the DX Focused Tank Armor page and this time the ST one.(after i put it backwards i.e. DX/ST Focused Tank Armor)

i think its this PC, dont like the wiki.

the purpose behind this is to have basically equal ST and DX bonus.
not just one.

so if anyone knows why, or wants me to send them the page to do it, i would be thankful.

Thanks for your time.

bartjan March 3 2006 1:51 AM EST

Do not use slashes in page names, just like I told you in the first post about this. Why did you do that again?

Flamey March 3 2006 1:53 AM EST

you did not say not use them.

as said by you.

'Slashes are evil.'

--bartjan, February 9 2006 3:21 AM EST

ok i appreciate that, how should i name it then?


maulaxe March 3 2006 1:56 AM EST

are &'s evil as well?

Maelstrom March 3 2006 2:03 AM EST

Naturally it's evil ;)

HTML uses a few characters as "escape characters", to display special symbols. For instance, &nbsp makes a space in HTML. Slashes are another. Here, it's just ignoring what comes after your slash, it seems. Try using two slashes to display a single one.

bartjan March 3 2006 2:09 AM EST


/ is the symbol used as a directory separator and I think that is what confuses Wiki.

Maelstrom March 3 2006 2:12 AM EST

Yes, oops, forgot the semicolon. That's because it's way past bedtime...

Sukotto [lookingglas] March 3 2006 11:49 AM EST

URLs don't use html-escape characters. Putting " " in the page name won't work either.

Grant March 3 2006 11:15 PM EST

Given the above responses, I replaced the slash with an 'or,' which is what the slash means, anyway.

I also added hyphens because I'm a grammar freak.

Sorry, I can't help myself. :)

Maelstrom March 3 2006 11:46 PM EST

Grant, you're a genius! :o

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 3 2006 11:52 PM EST

Freak. Genius. It's such a thin line.
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