Carnage Blender, your Browser and the BBC (in General)

AdminG Beee February 20 2006 7:01 AM EST

My colleague Vicious Cat started playing CB several months ago and although he enjoyed the game he found that it was impossible for him to play it due to technical issues with his browser. No matter what he did he was losing his sidebar making the game very difficult to play. After making a post with a plea for help he finally quit playing as nothing he did solved the issue.
I tried to help - and couldn't.

Until now...

Finally we understand the problem and more importantly the resolution. Vicious Cat has as his home page. For some reason when you point your browser (confirmed with Firefox and I.E.) at the BBC webpage when you go back to CB you lose your sidebar as soon as you start fighting again. The only way to resolve this issue is if you close your browser and start again. I've had this problem often and thought it was just me and to be honest it's no biggie - however I don't have the BBC as my home page. If you have it as your home page then there's nothing you can do to avoid losing the sidebar as every time you start your browser it commences action from the BBC and the problem kicks in...

So, Vicious Cat now has a resolution and has changed his home page.

If the BBC has this effect on Carnage Blender then I'm sure there are other sites that cause the same effect. Is there a simple fix, or do we have to live with this problem? Some newbies may switch off imediately if it's not resolved.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 20 2006 7:06 AM EST

I knew the BBC had started a conspiracy!!

After I noticed the scarcity of advertising (not counting obvious product placement) I knew there had to be something going on, taking over the internet!

QBJohnnywas February 20 2006 7:24 AM EST

I've only seen this happen with the BBC page. And yup, closing down the browser is the only fix I've found.

How many players outside of the UK and possibly Europe go to the Beeb's pages though?

CB and BBC and G Beee.

Too many B's....

Xiaz on Hiatus February 20 2006 7:39 AM EST




Tyra February 20 2006 8:06 AM EST

Hmmm ok..
since I am using Tab Mix Plus with Firefox I can't even open the page on the same page .. lol.
But , with a different setup
I was able to see that the Sitebar gets lost.
It was possible in a way to open the Home-Link in a new tab from
the MainPage. Then the Sidebar got displayed again.
So at least You don't have to restart Your browser...

Another way would be to get the Plugin Tab Mix (Plus or not)
and set that whenever You open a page from the addressbar, then
it will be opened as a new tab. I like that very much...


Vicious Cat February 20 2006 8:22 AM EST

TWA - How many newbies will have that setup?
TBH, if I didn't work with G_Beee I would have given up a long time ago
Now, at last, I can get rid of Opera :-)


Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 20 2006 11:03 AM EST

I think most of us would like to dispose of Opera unless someone around here happens to be very into self-harm?

Maelstrom February 20 2006 11:07 AM EST

I've gone to the BBC page occasionally. I just tried setting it as my homepage, and I had the same problem with the frames. Anyone know what would cause that?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 20 2006 11:13 AM EST

I have already said, conspiracy!!
BBC is trying to shut down gaming in an attempt to turn all non-believers into pipe-smoking, complaining, tartan-slipper wearing old people who do nothing but sit and watch the news all day!

Tyra February 20 2006 11:24 AM EST

Use Firefox and be happy

Maelstrom February 20 2006 11:46 AM EST

It happens with FF.

AdminShade February 20 2006 12:29 PM EST

VIC, i missed you already!

Tyra February 20 2006 12:32 PM EST

well then read again, and see how it can be passed by...
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