Anyone play golf game? (in Off-topic)

CoolWater February 13 2006 2:40 AM EST

Just wondering if anyone here plays albatross18. It's a free internet game.

AdminG Beee February 13 2006 3:02 AM EST

I don't play albatross18, however I do play shot-online.

CoolWater February 13 2006 3:15 PM EST

I was looking at shot-online, it was more of a serious golf simulation. But Albatross18 was leaning more towards entertainment type of game. It has those special shots that you can't do in real golf game. And some unreal gears.

[Jedi] Danludar February 13 2006 8:28 PM EST

I started playing it when I saw this post. :-) Wanna play some time CoolWater?

CoolWater February 13 2006 11:02 PM EST

sure danludar, just look for c00lwater whenever you log in. I can give you some tips on doing some special shots.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 14 2006 8:54 AM EST

/me just bothers with Tiger Woods 2006 on the PSP :)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 14 2006 3:22 PM EST

i tried albatross18, its a pretty cool game, i only played one online match, but the first shot one guy hit one in the water and left, then another went OB, and left, so it was me and another guy, and we tied for 3 holes. Pretty cool game though.

Zog is TW on PSP any good? i desperately need a new PSP game lol. Beat LCS so i need a new game instead of searching EVERYWHERE for hidden packages, and stunts.

CoolWater February 15 2006 2:34 AM EST

This game is actually very popular in many asian countries. Albatross is the international version. But not many good players there compare to players in the asian countries. I saw a player who ranked as an Amateur but only managed very few gold trophies and not many records of Hole In One or Albatross.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 15 2006 6:13 AM EST

TW on PSP is good only if you can master the analog stick, the number of times I have sliced the ball, pulled the ball and just generally not hit it hard enough (or too hard when putting).

bartjan February 15 2006 6:22 AM EST

Coolwater: it's not an Internet game, as it wants to be downloaded and needs Windows to run. If I knew this in advance, it would have saved me a visit to their website ;)

CoolWater February 15 2006 9:57 PM EST

Sorry Bart, my mistake. I should have said, it's a game you play over the internet against other players. I believe it runs under Linux as well.

CoolWater February 15 2006 9:59 PM EST

It's a Cyber game, that's what they all called it.

{CB1}Lukeyman February 16 2006 2:53 PM EST

I'm dling the game now

Adminedyit [Superheros] February 16 2006 4:11 PM EST

TW 2006 best score at St. Andrews 43 for 18 holes
from the black tees random tigerproofing and quicksand bunkers :-)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 17 2006 6:11 AM EST

I highly doubt you got that on the PSP version, maybe PS2 or Xbox.
I consider myself a pro at the game and can only get a best around 10 under over 18 holes on the hardest courses due to the impossible controls of the PSP concerning 'precision' gaming.

Rathershady February 20 2006 10:45 AM EST

hey coolwater I just joined up too, check for chaosgasket and we can play a round. The game is cool.
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