Need a favor please. (in General)

PirateKing February 9 2006 3:42 AM EST

I just failed two bot checks and got suspended. I will swear till my dying day that I spelled them correctly.

Could someone with the proper power over time and space take a look and tell me what words I missed... I'm pretty sure the second one was "riot."

AdminG Beee February 9 2006 4:36 AM EST

I'm thinking your eye patch slipped over your good eye when you were replying to these checks ;)

3:39 AM EST riot - topy
3:39 AM EST nick - mpvl

topy = riot + 1 key to the right... lol

QBJohnnywas February 9 2006 4:41 AM EST

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum possibly....

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] February 9 2006 4:42 AM EST

lol, I laughed pretty hard when I saw what G_Beee said happened. On a side note, you misspelled your misspelling. Your second guess should have been 'movl', not 'mpvl'. If you're going to answer all the letters one to the right, you should be more consistent.

Thanks for giving me a nice little laugh tonight.

PirateKing February 9 2006 4:45 AM EST

Bah! I demand a refund. :P

Xiaz on Hiatus February 9 2006 5:47 AM EST

PK, you noob. lol.

Phrede February 9 2006 7:58 AM EST

ytu yitmomh yjr ;ohjyd pm @_

PirateKing February 9 2006 10:19 AM EST

*kicks Freed in the groin*

You're right. I should have turned the light on. I was aiming for your shins. :P
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