Making graphs is not what I do. (in Off-topic)

BlueWolf February 8 2006 3:59 PM EST

I need someone to please post here, using plain text, and writing a possible table script out. or email it to me at My friend wants me to make a graph, because i can do almost anything else with HTML, EXCEPT make a really cool looking table. Can someone please help me out?

if you sent me something via email, please let me know so i can look. :) Thanks much.


RedWolf February 8 2006 9:22 PM EST

<table border="1">
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>

etc. etc....


hope that works out for you. i've gotta add extra words because the spellchecker doesn't like HTML in plain text :P so yeah, and i can't use the no spell check thing because that won't show you how to make a how are things going by you? pretty good? im fine. hope i don't get fined for spamming because there really is no other way to get past this..

maulaxe February 8 2006 9:30 PM EST

if you use the tag <nospellcheck>, yes there is a way to get past it. remember to have html turned on though.

AdminQBVerifex February 8 2006 9:39 PM EST

If you want a really killer table or graph, you can commission it from someone. I know I can do one for ya for a price.

RedWolf February 8 2006 9:41 PM EST

maulaxe, not if i'm trying to give blue the code for a table.
if i select HTML, it will make me a table, and i don't want that :P

Maelstrom February 8 2006 9:46 PM EST

First, why is the thread topic about "graphs" when you want "tables"?

Second, if you want to see the HTML code for a table, you can view the page source code. To do this in Firefox, right click on the frame you want the code for, hover over the "This Frame" option, then select "View Frame Source". Find the table code you want. (I can't remember how to do it in IE, should be similar.)

Of course, it might be easier to just find an online HTML tutorial...

RedWolf February 8 2006 9:50 PM EST

right click --> View Source in IE

try going here for a good HTML tutorial that i always found helpful

[T]Vestax February 8 2006 10:47 PM EST

People who purposely add text to the end of their post are suppose to be fined. Yet, I understand your problem red, so I'll help you out. To make the < symbol appear to the user in html just use &lt; in its place. For > use &gt; but you usually don't need to bother with it since there shouldn't be a bracket to close.

Now you know how to make html scripts appear in html. Here is an example:
    <td>row 1, col 1
    <td>row 1, col 2
    <td>row 2, col 1
    <td>row 2, col 2

RedWolf February 8 2006 10:55 PM EST

thanks, vestax, i'll try to remember that ;-)

BlueWolf February 9 2006 5:39 PM EST

thanks for helping me guys. :) i appreciate it.

Maelstrom February 9 2006 6:22 PM EST

Poor Vestax, that must have been a pain: you had to use a special character combination to show the special character combination to show how to make a < in HTML... :S

[T]Vestax February 9 2006 10:33 PM EST

Glad I could be of some help. I'm always pleased to teach stuff like that.

Good luck with those graphs/table.

Yeah, reminded me of B|arg's script for replacing 'u' with 'you'. :P
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