HoD vs HoE net worths/upgrade costs.... (in General)

velvetpickle February 7 2006 11:05 PM EST

Does anyone have any idea, or better yet a for sure answer of what the difference is in upgrade costs / NW of these two helms?

I am looking at helms for my tank, I already have a ToA, so VERY little of my str. comes from trained str. I use BL, and considering adding in VA, so the biggest advantage for me on the HoE would be that there is not Dex/Skills penalty, and the lower ED penalty (and every drop of "free" Str. dosen't hurt you know)

So I am wondering if the NW/upgrade costs are enormous comared to the HoD, if so with the extra 1/2 PR weight, I don't think it would be worthwhile.

I am still a bit of a newb, and don't want to spend too much cash just to find out I am unhappy with ANOTHER item, but I guess no matter what I could pass the HoE to my enchanter....
either way, anyone who has some insight it would be greatly appreciated

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 7 2006 11:27 PM EST

HoE now effects STR from ToA as well...just making sure you knew...

Grant February 7 2006 11:28 PM EST

ToA strength and dex are now affected by bonuses and penalties. :)

Mikel [Bring it] February 7 2006 11:42 PM EST

Better yet, sink your money into making your weapon(s) better.
CB2 into Weapons = more wins better rewards, if under PR limits
CB2 into Armor = couple wins if lucky, reduced rewards from PR increase

Mikel [Bring it] February 7 2006 11:42 PM EST

If you are set on having a HOE/HoD, rent one of each at about the same + or NW and test them out.

velvetpickle February 8 2006 12:21 AM EST

great call Mikel...... I didn't realize the str. bonus was after ToA bonus.... that is awesome, makes my decision easier...

Also whomever posted to sink the cash into weaps, I am pretty close to my PR cap, but looking for armor that offers bonuses, as EXP is the only thing in the game you cannot purchase directly, anything that bumps me up without having to use EXP to do it is priceless in my eyes!

hence 150k Str, with only 20k trained ;) and a fairly respectable PR ->MPR ratio (could be better, but not out of control)

AdminShade February 8 2006 12:55 AM EST

PR cap? you mean NW allowance?
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