curious about forging (in General)

Crux Terminatus February 6 2006 2:20 AM EST

out of can you forge so much in one day???i just blew 503 BA and got +11% on my corn??

sssimmo February 6 2006 2:23 AM EST

Were you forging with your biggest character?

Did you follow the right forge times?

sssimmo February 6 2006 2:28 AM EST

Also if the next + cost heaps then of course, as each BA is worth x amount of NW depending on your PR, it may take a lot of BA to forge it to next point.

Sacredpeanut February 6 2006 2:28 AM EST

Keep in mind some items are easier to forge than others (corn isn't easy to forge as far as I know).

I'm guessing you're going from +8 to +9 which is about $1M NW increase so you're still getting about 110k NW increase for 503 BA which is about $200 per BA (sounds about right for non NUB/NCB character).

Also don't buy BA to forge with - cheaper just to upgrade with blacksmith in most cases.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 6 2006 2:32 AM EST

Forging isn't a money maker, at least not compared to fighting. It is however not a bad way to save some cash when adding NW.
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