IDEA: Credit (in General)

Doom Lit Sky February 2 2006 10:33 AM EST

How about a function that allowes others to put a "vote" on a players main page, that acts as credit. Like each time a player (a) follows through with his end of a bargain (such as loans), then player (b) could summit a positive credit mark for player (a).

This would allow people a little insight as to the credit of a player before entering dealings with such player.

The page could be viewed by all, and every person that "votes" is able to type a reason behind each vote.

Credit; Is Doom Lit Sky reliable:
Player 1 / Yes / Followed through with loan, no problems.
Player 2 / Yes / Finished payments on time.
Player 3 / No / Comes up with stupid ideas

This way people could also see reasons behind a bad/good "credit report". This would also help prevent people from claiming false reports.

The over all thought behind this, is that it would help people give or not give out loans, or do dealings with a player they are not familiar with. Say I was looking for a loan, someone could be like, what is your credit. I could respond 100% with 10 dealings.

Just a thought.

Tyra February 2 2006 10:53 AM EST

You mean like Ebay does ??

AdminShade February 2 2006 10:56 AM EST

So your idea is to make an additional bad credit flagging other than being reset by an admin when you fail to pay your debts within the set time, or if you scammed a player?

Sound a bit dodgy imo.

And false reports are, especially in this community, easily seen and reported.

Doom Lit Sky February 2 2006 3:38 PM EST

I was leaning more into players who pay very late.

Stephen February 2 2006 5:37 PM EST

Is Doom Lit Sky reliable:
Stephen / No / Comes up with stupid ideas about player credit

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