What are your Battle Rewards, and current MPR? (in General)

Flamey January 30 2006 5:50 PM EST

just want to know what people get and how high their MPR is when their getting it.

AdminShade January 30 2006 6:50 PM EST

MPR hasn't gotten the influence on battle rewards, as it is only a part of the PR calculation.

The proper question would then be, what is your current PR with it? (not trying to mock you just wanting to help you)

my PR: ~975k, rewards ~250 i think

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 30 2006 6:59 PM EST

Reborn Again, Pr of 793,194 Reward of $293

Flamey January 30 2006 7:08 PM EST

ok thanks for that shade.

what is your current PR with your average Battle Rewards(Exp and Cash)

Tyra January 30 2006 7:11 PM EST

PR: 750k Rew: 400Cb2

Flamey January 30 2006 7:16 PM EST

also, are you a NUB, NCB or neither

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 30 2006 7:23 PM EST

You are awarded $316 and your Minions receive 321 exp each.

Char: Lord Gothmog 790 PR, NCB, fighting Stalker with a score of 1.1 mil

PoisoN January 30 2006 8:02 PM EST

PR ~ 1.36 mil, reward $100 - $330.

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 30 2006 8:33 PM EST

PR 600k You are awarded $759 and your Minions receive 95 exp each. Clan bonus: 11.6%.
New user bonus: +118% love the NUB :)
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