Introducing leagues (in General)

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 20 2006 9:01 AM EST

Hi to everybody.

I discovered this game 3 months ago. I do like it. I love it ! Really.

But I am a bit worried that this game will become boring and tedious to me.
The reason why is that I play to win. And in this game I have no hope to become a top player.

I learned about everything by myself during 3 months. One month ago I wrote a message to require a Permanent Character Bonus that will be cancelled when a player reaches 75% of the mpr of the top ones.

I had to discovered everything by myself, except that my mentor trigun told me that archery was useless for crossbows. My first team was based on EETM with a RoS. I wrote a message to say that the game was very difficult. One month later jonathan improved the RoS…

Not a problem, I am happy with my current team, a EEET based on a TOE and lots of EC and AMF.

I believe my strat is a very good one, but still I have no hope to become a top player.

The reason is very simple, I cannot play more.

So I am writing this post to ask everybody if they would not be interested if leagues were introduced. A little bit similar to realms, but more effective I guess.

Leagues would be based on the number of battles per day a player does.

This way, I, and I assume, other players that do not have a sufficient time to afford to CB, could hope to become a top player in their current league. Various strategies could be tested and we would see what strat is better than the others, because results would not be biased according to the time a player devotes to CB.

A few examples for you (I used an axe to handle the numbers, they are here just to explain what I mean):
TAB is playing for a year, he has a mpr of 1,200 million and so far he has 500,000 battles. So he plays 1,300 battles per day
Cosmos a new challenger, is playing for 3 months, and has a mpr of 1,100. He fought 130,000 battles. He plays 1,400 battles a day.

Me, a little guy (lol), I have a mpr of 0,411, I am here since 3 months and I have fought 60,000 battles. I am playing 650 battles a day.

So perhaps we can compare Cosmos and TAB, but not me. Cosmos and TAB are in the 1st league, perhaps I am in the second one. But in the second one I believe I am a good player, perhaps a top one…

Tell me what you think…

Revs January 20 2006 9:32 AM EST

hmmm, well I think the idea is in part covered under realms. the Realm you are in is determined by the time you have played, not your average battles per day. It's an interesting concept though, and i like the idea of adding more depth to the competitive side of the game for more people to feel like they are participating well. Its worth talking more about, for sure. For example, seperating chars into leagues based on battles fought would definitely show who is fighting smarter, and which strats were working better as reflected by score. I think that would be a fun addition.

CmdrHawkeye January 20 2006 9:37 AM EST

Interesting idea Ultima, that way those of us who have lives outside of CB can also excel and become top players.

maulaxe January 20 2006 12:03 PM EST

I like it! sort of like long-term tournaments...
...but then again, who am I to talk, who never experienced one?

It should be based on character lifespan, not account lifespan.

Tyra January 20 2006 3:57 PM EST

Yea... i like the idea very much...

The realms don't really tell anything...

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 21 2006 4:08 AM EST

Thanks guys!

But leagues alone would have the same problems as now realms have.

Indeed a cosmos playing for 2 months will not have the same power as another cosmos playing for 1 year.

You must cross realms (the time factor) and leagues (the rate at which you fight) to lead to castle/ tournament/ town country/ whatever you want to call that things.

If four leagues are created, this would lead to 16 castles/ towns (i prefer to use that type of names because I LoR you plenty of names).

But a few of them would be closed because there would be not enough players inside them.

This way every player would have a chance to compete and to be a top player in his castle...

This does not change anything to the game engine, this is only a problem of reports (but a big one I think!).

thanks for your support!

IndependenZ January 21 2006 11:58 AM EST

I like the idea too. Something like King of the Hill, only then with 16 hills ;)

Darkwalker [Jago] January 21 2006 1:52 PM EST

fantastic idea Ultima... keep on burning those brain cells... this game is awesome but with your idea.... the fun fact increases... cheers mate!

BootyGod January 21 2006 4:47 PM EST

Good idea but I must say this. Though I understand and do like the idea you also have to remember how people could take advantage of this. By simply not buying BA but playing constantly they can very easily abuse it. Why would anyone buy BA then really if they cant compete with people who dont. This will have to be taken into account I believe.

RedWolf January 21 2006 7:54 PM EST

they would buy ba the same reason many people do get the most cps ;-)
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