When did Jon change the XP distribution for multi-minion teams? (in General)

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 19 2006 11:27 PM EST

Would someone please point me to the changlog post where Jon said that multi-minion teams no longer have an xp penalty?

That is. When having a single minion no longer grew faster because of splitting xp amongst multiple minions.

I've looked through the changelogs as far back as July and didn't see it. So either I'm mis-remembering this change, Jon mentioned it someplace else, or I've just missed it.

Anyone care to help?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] January 19 2006 11:30 PM EST

AFAIK, a single minion was supposed to grow slower because multi-minion teams got a small EXP bonus, THAT was removed, though I dont know where the changelog for it is.

I do not believe there was ever an EXP penalty for multi minion teams though.

QBsutekh137 January 19 2006 11:42 PM EST

Slayer is correct. If anything, multi-minion teams got MORE experience in CB1.

But such a phenomenon has never existed in CB2. I can assure that, but cannot be bothered to find a post.

Helpful, yes? *smile*

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 19 2006 11:50 PM EST

I thought that, everything else being equal...

A Single minon team gets X xp for the battle

Multi-minon team gets (X + [some constant]) / [number of minions] xp. The total amount of xp is more than the Single minion team, but each minion got slightly less than the minion in the Single minion team.

.... And that was why new players were encouraged to play a single minion until 100k or so.

QBsutekh137 January 20 2006 12:03 AM EST

Don't think so.

TO try to get Jonathan to weigh in on this well-titled thread, I will add keywords in case that is what he uses to look:

"Jonathan" "CBF" "USD" "Sutekh Rules!" "Be quiet, Mikel!" "Thank God for bartjan" "Where is lump?"

Oh dear, I could go on far too long...

Special J January 20 2006 12:16 AM EST

No, it is the same amount of XP if you are single or fighting with four.

PirateKing January 20 2006 12:20 AM EST

You should have left the quotation marks off those keywords, PbM. They are a signal for Jon's search function to ignore them. :P

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 20 2006 12:21 AM EST

I realize that you now get the same amount of xp per minion regardless of how many you have.

I just thought that it used to be different and wanted to know when if changed. Perhaps I just imagined the whole thing. :-(

Special J January 20 2006 12:35 AM EST

Imagined? Maybe, but the FAQ used to tell you that having 4 minions meant you got more XP.

Lumpy Koala January 20 2006 12:35 AM EST

it's all in your mind....

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 20 2006 1:32 AM EST

no changelog because there never was a change, cb2 never had the 4 minion bonus (well it's really a bonus for anything over one wasn't it?).

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 20 2006 1:43 AM EST

huh. I could have sworn...

oh well. Thanks for clarifying guys.

AdminShade January 20 2006 1:48 AM EST

There is a thread made before, with an official reply from Jonathan, perhaps I will search for it later today (sukotto remind me of it please :) )

maulaxe January 20 2006 2:25 AM EST

I think that it was a case of not changing the documentation when CB2 rolled out.
I can't remember the thread either, but I recall such a thing being mentioned.

bartjan January 20 2006 2:44 AM EST

From the Help:
"Most experienced players do not enlist additional Minions before their first reaches 10,000 PR. This is because, in terms of DX (and to a lesser extent ST), the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. E.g., a single Minion with 20,000 DX will have a significant advantage vs two Minions with 10,000 DX. Eventually, however, most strategies involve adding more Minions because Enchantments can have an even bigger impact on your success in battle than concentrating DX and ST can, and each Minion can only learn one of each enchantment type, even if you are willing to take the usually fairly hefty armor penalty to magic on your first Minion."

QBRanger January 20 2006 5:53 AM EST

I think this is the post in question:


Initially in the train description when you would hire a minion, there was a docstring saying that multi-minion teams earned a tad more xp then their single minion counterparts. Such was the case in cb1.

Jon, in the thread above, stated that such was NOT the case in cb2 and xp given is the same (in total) for all types of characters regardless of number of minions. He also changed the docstring at that time.

Hope this is the thread you are wanting.

AdminJonathan January 20 2006 9:20 AM EST

This has always been the case in CB2, but it wasn't deemed important enough to go into the "things that have changed" changelog 0. Since it's been brought up several times since then, I guess that call was a poor one. :)

maulaxe January 20 2006 12:05 PM EST

for once, people reading the documentation was a problem.

just goes to show how useful they are :p
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