AMF damage? (in General)

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 3:36 PM EST

Ok, I'm sure there is a one sentence, easy explanation for this but I cannot seem to understand this...

After attacking Joy Potter, I read through the battle. Here's what I saw (obviously this isnt the whole thing)

Kangle cast Antimagic Field on Dark Dreky (0.45)

Dark Dreky takes damage from his own Cone of cold (40241)!
Dark Dreky's Cone of cold hit Lyan [8125], Merlin [13518]

Dark Dreky takes damage from his own Cone of cold (40241)!
Dark Dreky's Cone of cold hit Lyan [14928], Merlin [28920]

I know Lyan has a MgS, but still. This doesn't seem right. How can I take more damage than I inflict? This team uses a RBF... so its not reduction from a ToE, Im out of ideas.

AdminShade January 15 2006 3:47 PM EST

your opponent has enough AC and a MgS that his damage taken is reduced more than the damage you get from your AMF backlash

number example:

you do 100% damage along with having 0.45 AMF (45% backlash)

so you do 55% damage, and receive 45% back

the 55% -> is set to 100% damage of which your opponent may block x%

the 45% -> is set to 100% damage of which you can block y%

the x and y are based on your AC / ToE / MgS / TSA

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] January 15 2006 3:52 PM EST

I thought the backlash damage was capped at 40%, anything over that is just blocked but not returned.

Joy Potter also has protection, how big is it?

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 15 2006 3:54 PM EST

it's a base protection (4)

AdminShade January 15 2006 4:11 PM EST

Borderline: i don't think that there is a cap at the backlash...

QBRanger January 15 2006 4:50 PM EST

The cap on backlash has been stated numerous times to be capped at 40%. Anything over that is just not given as damage to the spellcaster.

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 5:07 PM EST

so basically... how am I getting that much damage back?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] January 15 2006 6:06 PM EST

I think the key, indelicate though it may be, is to know just how big your CoC is. The strength of your attack is what determines how much damage that 0.45 AMF is returning to you, regardless of how much damage it is actually doing as ameliorated by AC, Prot, etc., yes?

Grant January 15 2006 6:28 PM EST

You are doing more damage than you take.

14k + 28k > 40k

if there weren't a MgS, you would be doing

~28k + 28k > 40k

Explanation: CoC and FB do damage D that is divided evenly among the number of minions, so, where N is the number of minions on the team, damage per minion is D/N .

As you can see, the mage shield, as advertised, is roughly halfing your CoC attack for that minion.

As a note, AMF return of over 0.40 means they have a bigger AMF than you have CoC, so massive damage returns should be expected.

Now pause for a moment and think what would happen if they trained GA as well as AMF :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 15 2006 6:33 PM EST

:) AMF Backlash damage is (for FB and CoC) worked out as;

Backlash = AMF% * 5 *.4 * DD Effect. (I leave the 5 in as for MM, this is dropped)

This will show you the maximum you will take if you use the AMF% as 100. :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 15 2006 6:36 PM EST


"Explanation: CoC and FB do damage D that is divided evenly among the number of minions, so, where N is the number of minions on the team, damage per minion is D/N ."

I was under the impression that at least FB gains a slight damage boost the less amount of oppoents it targets. Hmm, only the CoC description still has this, but I was under the impression that versus a single target an exqual level FB ould do more damage than an equal level MM.

"As a note, AMF return of over 0.40 means they have a bigger AMF than you have CoC, so massive damage returns should be expected."

I thought that an equal level AMF to the target DD returns 0.50, not 0.40?

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 7:23 PM EST

Well my CoC is at 270k. For some reason, I doubt that his AMF is that high, of course Im not positive. But wow, I never realized how ridiculous AMF really is.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 15 2006 7:49 PM EST

actually to get a .40 his AMF would have to be at least 200k or so..

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 15 2006 9:24 PM EST

Dreky, what's the effect of your CoC (the number in the parenthesis).

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 9:51 PM EST

Cone of cold: 269,958/245,417 (44,826)

Joy Potter January 15 2006 10:36 PM EST


44712(magic level)*0.45*2=40241(back slash)

kangle antimagic (230,000)

total magic reduction (aprox) AM/AC/PR/MgS
lyan : 68%
merlin: 48%

Joy Potter January 15 2006 10:58 PM EST

what is the antimagic field (0.xx) formula?

Dark Dreky January 16 2006 1:23 AM EST

44712 Magic level for your AMF?

And does PR effect damage reduction?

Joy Potter January 16 2006 1:43 AM EST

upss Protection not PR.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 16 2006 3:23 AM EST


44,826 * .45 * 5 * .4 = 40343.4

You were taking 40241 as backlash damage. Have you trained your CoC since your original post?
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