January 13 2006 12:33 PM EST
As it's Friday:
I think a congratulation post for Bast and the biggest Jig in the game is in order! A powerful strategy that shows just how much hard work, persistance and patience pays off. Also proof that you don't necessarily need HUGE HUGE weapons to compete in the top ten.
Also one of the few players who've got to those upper ranks and is still there. No signs of CB upper echelon burnout here....yet.......;)
Take a bow Bast!
I will second all of that. Kudos Bast. What are the stats of that Jig when he goes to work in combat anyway?
that'd be an interesting stat...Kano San has gotten large!
January 13 2006 2:03 PM EST
It is always nice to see someone stick with the same strategy throughout all the change months with barely a change to their character.
If CHAR NAME = BARTLETT, code exception, CHANGE = 0.
When Jon said he accepted payment for coding, he meant it. ;)
Congratulations Bast! *hugs* XD
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