Idea for another Feature: Statistic of xp/money earned from different (in General)

Tyra January 11 2006 7:05 PM EST

I think it would be really great to know how much money and xp You got over a specific time interval from a specific char.
So You could see which fights You really benefit from...

What Do You think about it ??

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] January 11 2006 8:19 PM EST

Terrible idea: it'd make the game too easy. ;)

Seriously, if you're interested enough to optimize your strategy, it's only to be expected that you'll have to do some work yourself. I happen to think the 24-hour battle summary is probably pushing this kind of thing as far as it'll ever go. But hey, I could be wrong.

Halcyon January 11 2006 8:25 PM EST

That all changes anyways ... based on MPR, rounds, etc ... and will continue to fluxuate .. good for a small period of time, then worth nothing.
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