New char. possible ip conflict (in Public Record)

velvetpickle January 11 2006 12:36 PM EST

I have introduced CB to one of my good firends, and will be sending him an invite/getting him enrolled later today.

I know that the system flags multiple users who have shared ip addresses in some length of time, and this may be problem.

He and I play ultima onine, and on many occassions have set up our laptops side by side at his house or my own to play. Obviously this means there will be a record of our machines having shared an ip address. It has been a while since we have done it, and I don't know how far back CB looks, so it may not be an issue, but just wanted to get it in the public record ahead of time just in case.

He will be signing up from his own laptop, at his home ip address so there will be no shared ip for that, but in the future I am sure you will see our accounts two accounts sharing IP's again in the future.

I will also be lending him some items to help get him started b/c he is a good friend of mine, and will be joining the clan I created, so I didn't want that to raise any unneccsary flags.

CM me with any questions.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] January 11 2006 2:07 PM EST

I'm no expert on this, but I would recommend against sending and/or loaning items to someone on the same IP. That just raises flags and makes it look like you are feeding one account with another. Just let him start off for himself and do it all himself. It's much more enjoyable that way anyway.

maulaxe January 11 2006 2:27 PM EST

perhaps if they are only loans, not transfers... but I would still recommend against it.

QBPixel Sage January 11 2006 2:30 PM EST

Here's some advice: If you don't want any problems, NEVER transfer ANYTHING between the two accounts or use each other's accounts. ;)

TheEverblacksky January 11 2006 3:44 PM EST

yeah this wouldn't be like bad or anything except.... he had a multi banned of him a week ago.

Undertow January 11 2006 10:02 PM EST

Yah.... don't send him anything. That would just be dumb. Your sure to get flagged as a multi if you have one sided transfers on the same IP.

QBPixel Sage January 11 2006 10:12 PM EST

Guys, EBS is right. Check velvetpickle's transfer log, and view his/her first transfers. Multi.

velvetpickle, if you're trying to multi, I'll let you know now that you'll be found out later or sooner. I just discovered a multi who had been player for over a year. If you want to get good at this game, don't try it.

However, I'll be realistic. Maybe you really do want to invite a friend to this game. My advice to you, play it safe and don't transfer ANYTHING between the two of you, at all. Not even a legitimate trade, whether its one-sided or not.

AdminShade January 12 2006 4:28 AM EST

will also be lending him some items to help get him started b/c he is a good friend of mine, and will be joining the clan I created, so I didn't want that to raise any unnecessary flags.

Don't loan him anything other than some advice and let him be an own person. Otherwise the flagging will soon become worse.
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