when do we have to pay for being healed? (in General)

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 11 2006 2:15 AM EST

tell me everything

Maelstrom January 11 2006 2:21 AM EST

did you check the wiki?

PirateKing January 11 2006 2:31 AM EST

"tell me everything" Well you see, it all began many billions of years ago with an event popularly called "the Big Bang"........

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 11 2006 2:41 AM EST


I have checkek in the wiki but did not find anything except at one time you will have to pay. but when?

chelon January 11 2006 3:45 AM EST

i believe you paid everytime you click fight

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] January 11 2006 3:52 AM EST

You pay to be "fully" healed after you train new HP.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] January 11 2006 3:57 AM EST

Testing what you have just said about paying to heal after training HP and I don't seem to be paying or healing.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] January 11 2006 3:59 AM EST

I do remember that in CB1 you fully healed when training HP but that doesn't seem to be the case on CB2.

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 11 2006 5:30 AM EST

I believe that past a certain level you have to pay to be healed.

I just want to know when this happens

Tyra January 11 2006 5:38 AM EST

As I see it , You have to pay for being healed before every fight.
So when You don't have enough money to be healed, then You
Can't fight. I had that happen to me sometimes.

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] January 11 2006 5:42 AM EST

Currently I do not pay anything. What I want to know is WHEN!

When will I have to pay??

AdminShade January 11 2006 5:47 AM EST

when you start losing HP from a fight and click home afterwards.

then you will now most likely see Heal (0) but that amount goes up when your MPR and amount of minions go up.
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