How much CP do you loose? (in General)

MaLicious [Ascendancy] January 10 2006 8:35 PM EST

Just asking this because lately I have been loosing around 2700cp.

QBRanger January 10 2006 8:35 PM EST

About 10-20 a day.

BMWheatley January 10 2006 8:36 PM EST

usually a little bit over 2000.

[T]Vestax January 10 2006 9:00 PM EST

None, I'm perfect. :P

Stephen January 10 2006 9:03 PM EST

But Vestax you don't generate any clan points either!

[T]Vestax January 10 2006 9:05 PM EST

Err... I'm half perfect then?

Grant January 10 2006 9:18 PM EST

He's efficient.

As for me, I'm in the black, but I've noticed I do better with characters too contemptable to be worth swatting.

jayuu January 10 2006 10:04 PM EST

Depends on what kind of mood Ranger is in. :)

Mem January 10 2006 11:10 PM EST

Anywhere from 1800-3400 as of late. It never used to be this bad...

nascar182018 January 10 2006 11:43 PM EST

When I was in a clan, a weekly score of around -400 was avg. I keep getting booted though. Wonder why....

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] January 10 2006 11:45 PM EST

i have about 2200 cps and my net is -3-400

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 11 2006 12:41 AM EST

Its because all the NCB chars are all getting into clans and now they are all reaching the 1 million score range. So therefore more clan points are getting subtracted from everyone.

maulaxe January 11 2006 4:00 AM EST

how many CPs you lose is proportional to how specific your char is.
the higher you can fight above your PR, the more CPs you will lose.
if you have a strat that is more rounded, your fighting range will be much smaller, but those who can beat you will also be much fewer.

so, being farmed to death, but still keeping a high score is a sign of success. (even though it also means the rest of your clan will hate you)

AdminShade January 11 2006 5:49 AM EST

usually some 1000-2000 a day, people like attacking me :)

QBJohnnywas January 11 2006 5:53 AM EST

I used two days worth of bought ba and still managed to be in the negative. I think I preferred it when I didn't know how many points I was losing..... :\

Chorlton January 11 2006 7:10 AM EST

Sometimes Im loosing 2000+ points a day,but after reading maulaxe's comments i dont feel so bad now:)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 11 2006 8:38 AM EST

I've seen myself lose near 3500 at certain points, very specific strat...

Quark January 11 2006 10:12 AM EST

Over the past 30 days I've generated 85k points and retained 35k, so it's not too bad. But also through that time about a dozen clanners have stopped farming me due to MPR growth.

Yes, it's likely the NCB characters crowding the larger ranks. I also see some of the big guns fight down at times (There's no way I'm touching Krang in a fight).

Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] January 11 2006 11:00 AM EST

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