Selling up advice... (in General)

monkeh January 10 2006 12:29 PM EST

Dear All

I am going to quit CB and wanna sell everything in my account including characters etc etc.

What I was wondering was what people thought was the best way about going about this... should I just post in the FS/WTB as a normal auction / use the actual Auctions or even make a raffle or similar??

Any advice would be most appreciated!

Thanks in advance


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2006 12:56 PM EST

Forums will be fastest simplest way, esp with what you have.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] January 10 2006 3:45 PM EST

i disagree, the fastest simplest way would be to give me everything, but in that case you wouldn't be making much money..... so prolly throw that one out and just do the fs/wtb forum..... unless your feeling generous.

{cb1}dyno January 10 2006 3:56 PM EST

It may not be the most profitable, but in cb1 Skyrunner had some fun when he left by putting everything at auctions for 4 days starting at 1 dollar. Was a lot of fun having people scramble to buy everything for cheap at the last minute, but so many people were bidding for the last 15 minutes each auction got pushed back 30 minutes/an hour due to bidding wars. Just a thought, pretty simple to do, but if you're looking for the most profitable method the FS/WTB thread would be most effective in my opinion :).

Grant January 10 2006 4:43 PM EST

This is more from observing action in the FS/WTB forums and auctions than practice:

Look in auctions to see what the last 3 items (that actually sold) sold at so you have a minimum acceptable price.

For high NW items, start with the FS/WTB Forums to get the suckers ^W people willing to pay premium prices and USD. If you can, insta down items because auctioned improved items generally do not command much of a premium over base items.

For items that do not meet your minimum bid expectations, give a 10% discount so you get a first bid. Don't sell more than one thing of the same type at once in the auction system. The prices of both suffer.

Finally, do a sale CB->USD in the forums. Look at the WTB posts to see if people are already buying at the rate you find acceptable before making your own post.

Those seem to be the general tricks :)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] January 10 2006 10:24 PM EST

You don't have got anything worth selling do you? ;)

I know why don't you try a raffle :P
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