DM question (in General)

curudan January 10 2006 1:36 AM EST

In a lot of the fight's i lose i notice that the enemies were using an antimagic field. so i'm wondering if this would be a good time to train DM on my enchanter?
Thanks you in advance for politely answering my question.

QBPixel Sage January 10 2006 1:38 AM EST

The only way to counter AMF is by having a Tattoo of Endurance on. DM as far as I understand doesn't cancel out AMF.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2006 1:38 AM EST

DM counters AS,GA,Haste, GA and Protection, not AMF.

RTMW (Read the Magnificent Wiki)

bartjan January 10 2006 1:39 AM EST

DM only works on enchantments cast *on* the minions on which DM is cast, not those enchantments cast *by* those minions. As your opponent's AMF is cast on your team, your DM won't affect it.

curudan January 10 2006 1:42 AM EST

Oh sorry i had read the wiki earlier but i was labouring under a false insinuation placed upon me by someone else.
Thanks anyway.

PirateKing January 10 2006 1:43 AM EST

DM also counters VA. I know... it has fizzled vs DM on numerous occasions so far.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2006 1:44 AM EST

PK I knew someone would come up with one I missed...

maulaxe January 10 2006 1:44 AM EST

DM will not cancel out other people's AMF that they cast on you, nothing exists that can do that*.

in your case, it pretty much comes with the territory. being a mage means that AMF is one of your biggest enemies.
You could train DM, and it would help, but I would suggest training it on your enchanter and not your mage, that way the growth of your FB is not diluted any more than necessary (only a few natural HPs, or maybe a base protection).

my 2cents.

*dispel magic affects AMF only if the same team is casting both of them, in that case you are casting an enchantment on the opposing team, and then turning around and cancelling it out. Not recommended unless you have an RoS.
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