More change please! (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2006 12:20 PM EST

Here's hoping to more changelog entries and more game changes! I'd love something to come along and really mix CB up this month! :D

AdminG Beee January 9 2006 12:38 PM EST

You're right GL. I suggest you go here if you need some additional CB mixing...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 9 2006 12:38 PM EST


Maelstrom January 9 2006 12:53 PM EST

Here's some change for you:

Quark January 9 2006 2:57 PM EST

After all those mage nerfs, maybe some sort of tank nerf?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2006 6:12 PM EST

I'd really prefer something new. Totally new! :D

Stephen January 9 2006 6:28 PM EST

And what about that 'ideas for the developers' thread we had a month or two ago. Come on developers, pull your socks up, get your acts together and develop some cool features!


[DoH]Link [Defenders of Hyrule] January 9 2006 6:45 PM EST

im hoping for graphics and more chars

QBPixel Sage January 9 2006 6:47 PM EST

LinktheHero, what you want is called supportership ;)

Stephen January 9 2006 7:06 PM EST

I'd say it's half supportership and half pie in the sky.

Undertow January 10 2006 6:03 AM EST

Yes, I can just see it now: After 5 years of design from a designer that says he'll blow up the server before adding graphics, a major 180 when graphics are added to the game.

And monkeys might fly out of my butt.

sssimmo January 10 2006 6:05 AM EST

You can't fool me.....monkeys can't fly!

PirateKing January 10 2006 9:51 AM EST

They can with enough explosive force to propel them. :O

chappy [Soup Ream] January 10 2006 9:55 AM EST

Im sure that the first changemonth of the year still has more surprises yet to be revealed ... be it additions, nerfs, buffs, TOURNAMENTS :) hehe i know im dreaming, but you know you want em too :)

maulaxe January 10 2006 11:58 AM EST

Quark, January 9 2006 2:57 PM EST
After all those mage nerfs, maybe some sort of tank nerf?

GentlemanLoser, January 9 2006 6:12 PM EST
I'd really prefer something new. Totally new! :D

...So, I have it!
An enchanter nerf!

Bootsanator January 10 2006 9:44 PM EST

one of the things i was excited about when i signed up was the mention of tournaments...but, no dice. can we PLEASE have tournaments? :)

Halcyon January 10 2006 9:57 PM EST

I was thinking instead of "nerfing" everything .. why not have a defence score .. in which you can alot to physical or magic, or whatever? I dunno. And that would be cool, cause more character customization. I thought races would be cool too.

Tyra January 10 2006 10:43 PM EST

I wish there would be an overview about how much xp / money you got from the chars You were fighting.

Max January 10 2006 10:59 PM EST

Granted, Jonathan agrees with you and tells you to use a pen and paper.

I wish I can do Strikethroughs text on tattoos because it would be funny to have strikethrough names like

 Mary Bonnie Susie

Stephen January 10 2006 11:11 PM EST

Your wish is granted but yours reads

Mary Bonnie Susie Bubba

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